As a tempoary measure until I can remove and service the heater after Xmas I've just pulled out fuse No 12 OK, slow warm up ( but that was the case with the heater not firing up properly anyway ) but at least No Smoking OK so I got round to stripping down the heater last weekend. The problem seemed to be that the fuel was vapourizing but not igniting so lots of white smoke etc (see previous post) Grobbled about under the car and wasn't too bad-a-job thanks to Ivor's pictorial guide on page 6 above. Got the glow plug out and checked it on the battery - worked fine and glowed orange - yellow hot Checked the combustion can for sooting up / decoking - was clean Checked air inlet pipe / exhaust pipe - both ok and not blocked. Assumed it must be the metering pump so reassebbled all in disgust at not finding the problem Then a miracle happened - the heater started working !!!! and seems to be working ok since with no smoke. All I can assume is that there was a bad / dirty electrical connection on either the multiplug under the car, the multiplug in the end of the heater unit or onto the end of the glow plug. In other words the glowplug wasn't getting full power and was therefore wasn't getting hot enough to ignite the fuel but was getting hot enough to vapourise it. Considering the multiplug under the car is the one exposed to all weathers it could well have been that one so if you have the problem that I had it may just be worth spraying the contacts in this plug with switch cleaner or something to clean them before starting to strip down the whole unit.