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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    ford galaxy
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    Cars & Caravanning<br />Modelboats<br />Lifeboats

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  1. Hi, 6 months ago I fitted a new tensioner with a new belt, all seemed ok. Then about a month ago the belt started to squeal again. Having looked at the belt while the engine was running, the tensioner was twitching all over. As i didn't buy a genuine part I suspected the tensioner and changed it again but the squeal was still there at full lock!! So havin read the post from "littledaz" last night I contacted Ford for a price, they said I had to buy a new alternator!! So I removed the alternator and took it to local alternator specialist who fitted a new pulley and tested it for
  2. I got the following information from another member which worked on my car, a mk2. Don't know what model your car is You need to RECODE Module 9 "Central electrics" using VAG COM and add 8 to the number You should have one of the following codes already or one thats similar coded to Module 9. Just remember the old code and you can put it back if it doesn't work!! 00004 = Central Locking 00256 = Central Locking (Anti-Theft Warning) 04096 = Central Locking (Anti-Theft Warning/Remote Control) 16384 = Central Locking (Remote Control) so to add it to the last one you would change the code to 16392. Hope this helps
  3. Hi Pete, If you wish to stick with a leaf spring stabiliser that requires a mounting bracket on the tow bar you need a Bulldog "LC8 swan neck bracket" or equivalent. New they will cost about
  4. Apologies everyone, Mikej your right I
  5. Spongebob, Now your A/C is working I would be interested to know something (as I believe the statement made by Mirez about hot pipes is incorrect). Looking in the engine bay from the front, the pipe from the compressor on the right will get HOT and the larger pipe on the left will get VERY COLD with some condensation forming on the outside. My A/C is working very well and this is what happens on mine,
  6. I would jack the car on one side and stand on an axle stand, remove wheel Then jack under the lower wishbone lightly, just enough to remove the tension from the drop link. You may now be able to feel play if they are worn. If that dosent work just remove one end of the drop link and feel at the ball joints for play, they should be difficult to move by hand. The drop link will have an hex for an allen key in the centre of the stud or a flat for a spanner at the back to stop the ball joint turning as you dismantle Hope this helps, I found mine the hard way replacing suspension bushes first etc...
  7. I would check the "drop Links" first they are a common fault
  8. You will probably find the most difficult part about fitting the tow bar is removing the bumper without damaging to the paint; the trim bits under the lights need removing to get at screws, these bits are easily cracked!! I fitted a witter detachable, which is very simple to use and is only just visible when detached, assuming you hide the sockets under the bumper as I did. It doesn
  9. Just for info, anything more than 14.4 Volts will cook the battery Radiotwo I'm only quoting information from the Ford TIS
  10. Just double checked with "Ford TIS" The voltage with the engine running should read between 13-15volts dependant on load Overcharging is considered with voltage greater than 15.5volts
  11. Try measuring the voltage across the battery, it may be over/under charging Its should be around the 14volts mark with the engine running
  12. I have the same problem with my EGR valve; the oil comes from a small hole at the front of the valve and then runs down the back of the engine I noticed this problem about 12months ago, so I placed a white cloth in front of the hole to see how much was running out, the cloth is still there and it
  13. Have a look at
  14. Is your 12s socket wired with a "Voltage sensing relay"? if so is the relay wired direct from the battery or from a power sorce in the boot? I've seen this problem when the elecrical items in the car are taking a large amount of load e.g. A/c, Heated windows etc... Newer caravans are fitted with a relay that turns off all the caravans equipment apart from the fridge/battery charging, so your lights may not work anyway but only with the engine running! Only just seen your post here, I posted a reply in the other section but not as much info to go on!
  15. It all depends on your cars setup, Have you got a
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