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  1. Not sure if I'm allowed to cross post (and I'm sure a mod will be along to delete this if not), but those with an ICE interest who only look in this topic might be interested in this: http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=19316
  2. This unit has 2 standard 'RCA' style audio connectors for a cable to connect your MP3 player or phone directly to the head unit. I used it with the headphone socket on both an iPod, and a mobile phone. Connecting a player with a cable this way directly into the head unit gets you the best quality of music and also without the hassle of FM transmitters or cassette tape adaptors. A nice upgrade that makes an older head unit more useful for modern ICE. Made by Connects2, this unit plugs into the CD connector on the back of the head unit and 'fools' the head unit that it has a CD changer attached (so you can't have a read CD changer attached atthe same time). Just use the CD button on the head unit, and your audio from your player comes out the speakers in great quality. This Connects2 unit (marked VFOX003) *may* work with several head units, but I only know it works with mine - marked as a Ford branded "4050 RDS EON CD changer compatible". It's a Visteon OEM unit I think. I'll also include the two U shaped keys to insert into and extract the head unit, to make things easy. Will sell for
  3. Well, for better or worse this one's gone as a trade sale for
  4. I've a Manual 2.3LX on a Y plate with 98,000m. Body good. Good tyres/recent MOT etc., full service history. But air bag warning light on (which *may* be pricey to fix). I've been offered not-a-lot as a part exchange from a Ford Dealer. Prices seem to be all over the place and few available/selling as private sales this model/age/mileage looking at Auto Trader etc. I'm wondering what combination of not-desirable/in short supply this is due to. Dealer retail prices seem to be in order of
  5. Thanks FAQ 19 also seems to cover it. With a Bosch part that should be
  6. Thanks. I did a search and couldn't find any refs. What is this pump "called"? (The noise doesn't sound like brushes to me - quite deep and a repetative "knocking/bearing" type noise. But of course you could indeed be correct!)
  7. Looks to me like there's been a leak possibly at the host at the top of the pic below. But what's the metal (orangy/yellow) piece? Is that the stat housing for this Y reg 2.3? So presumably likely to be a new hose required?
  8. The electric water pump situated at the back of the engine bay at the top (in the attachment) on my Y reg 2.3 is, after 96,000 miles, now making the most horrendous bearing noise which is obviously most noticible when the pump runs on for a few mins after the engine's turned off. Ford want
  9. My rear wiper is intermittent only after the car has been started - pauses as it wipes. After a few wipes it's fine. If this were a loom problem this woundn't happen would it? It's not as if I'm opening the tailgate or anything. Any ideas? W
  10. Anyone know if a broken clock spring can give the same symtoms as a broken airbag (detonator)? The dealer just bunged it through their 'diag' system, which said airbag was the problem....
  11. Can/does the rattle increase under load? It's this aspect that seems odd to me.
  12. Wouldn't I expect the oil pressure light to be slow turniing off or even flickering if it was low oil pressure during a cold start?
  13. All done, and added my experiences in the other thread. There was a little dampness in the carpet. Not sure how to deal with that. I guess it should dry out on it's own, given there's no more watter being added (I hope)...
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