This unit has 2 standard 'RCA' style audio connectors for a cable to connect your MP3 player or phone directly to the head unit. I used it with the headphone socket on both an iPod, and a mobile phone. Connecting a player with a cable this way directly into the head unit gets you the best quality of music and also without the hassle of FM transmitters or cassette tape adaptors. A nice upgrade that makes an older head unit more useful for modern ICE. Made by Connects2, this unit plugs into the CD connector on the back of the head unit and 'fools' the head unit that it has a CD changer attached (so you can't have a read CD changer attached atthe same time). Just use the CD button on the head unit, and your audio from your player comes out the speakers in great quality. This Connects2 unit (marked VFOX003) *may* work with several head units, but I only know it works with mine - marked as a Ford branded "4050 RDS EON CD changer compatible". It's a Visteon OEM unit I think. I'll also include the two U shaped keys to insert into and extract the head unit, to make things easy. Will sell for