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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by galaxya61

  1. Thanks for your help. Sent to local garage after a struggle with no fault codes showing eventually took the exhaust off and the engine ran. Found that the cat had shattered and a lump had blocked the exhaust completely. New downpipe, cat, gaskets etc running well. Back on the road with a sore wallet ! Merry Christmas
  2. Thanks for the reply. I checked the output on the scan software, it shows no trip code and have plotted a graph of output which was fluctuating as expected. I changed it earlier in the year as it was showing a fault code on the heater side of the probe. When replaced it cleared. I had a fault with the coil packs as it turns out originally. Not ruling it out though but as the car ran previously with a faulty lambda and no trip codes it would indicate something else??
  3. Have started a new post as the previous post mentioned the car not running when warm which is misleading, I need the car for Christmas so desperate ! The car is just about ticking over erratically, as soon as i try to accelerate the engine splutters and dies. The car will not drive at all. There are no obvious leaks, no puddles of oil or water. The car will not start if it is warm. The Scantool shows there are no fault codes... but we have a 'Fuel system 1 (open loop) system fault'. Not sure where to look with this one, have no sensor faults showing, engine RPM, MAF and O2 sensor are functioning. Any advise would be much appreciated.
  4. Hello again. Need some advice on this diagnostic output. Fuel system 1 (open loop) system fault, no trip codes. What could be the cause of this?
  5. Update: Had another look today, replaced relay 30 (after a struggle) with one I already had and repaired but made no difference. Sounds like a hose problem by the sound but not sure where to start looking?
  6. We have a 2.3i Petrol Galaxy 1999 plate, had a few issues with coil packs previously but all now resolved. Problem now is when starting from cold everything is OK, when warm after a minute or so when the engine is revved there is no power at all, there is a slight farty sound and the engine dies and struggles to start again. It will tick over OK, just when the engine is revved is there a problem. Have checked for error codes and there are none (using Proscan 5.0). Not sure what I can check for sensor wise, the Hego sensor is reading OK by the looks of the output, engine revs OK. Could it be the CAT, EGR sticking (if so where is it !) or hose damage? Hope you can help.
  7. Thanks for the advice so far. I took the Gal to my local garage and he confirmed the Hego sensor as fault. I also purchased an ELM327 kit and identified the Hego sensor as being faulty after clearing all the codes, running the engine and then checking again. The Hego (02 sensor) code came up. Having changed the sensor, all codes are clear yet we still have the same problem with lack of power. Have fitted new plugs today and sort of new it would make no difference but have eliminated them now. Currently have no trip codes showing, engine revs beautifully in neutral (no load), throttle position sensor reads OK, the Hego (02 sensor) seems to read OK. The MAF sensor seems to read OK as the value changes when you rev the engine up. The only thing when revving in neutral is that if you accelerate quickly then the engine briefly seems to show a lack of power / strangling. If you accelerate slowly then there is no problem. Presume this is related to the lack of power when accelerating under load? The engine seems to run OK for a few miles when cold then when it warms up the lack of power and misfiring starts. Not sure whether the reading from the MAF are Ok or not but it seems to make little difference when disconnected and after inspecting the MAF it was as clean as a whistle. Really struggling to put my finger on this one... anybody got any more ideas? Thanks Ian
  8. Sorry, forgot to ask this ! Is it possible to clean the MAF on the petrol model, I hear it's not worth it on the diesel model but not sure on the petrol version?
  9. Thanks for everyones advice, I'm taking it to have it plugged in tommorow and at the same time an emission test which will check the CAT. Thought it maybe running in Limp Home mode and we may have a sensor down? Will post the results soon. By the way, will VAG Com work with a 2.3i Petrol Galaxy or would it be recommended to buy the ELM327 diagnostic kit?
  10. This is my first post so I hope you can help! We have a 1999 Galaxy Zetec 2.3i Petrol and have had a few problems of late. Initially we had a problem with the Gal running on 3 cylinders (3rd failed) due to coil pack, replaced with new and this failed in 3 months, swapped with 1 and 4 cylinder coil pack and this coil pack failed too instantly ! Identified (3 coil packs later) as a duff plug lead
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