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Everything posted by crafty

  1. Thank you - thats my job for this weekend then!!
  2. OK VCDS says 01135 Interior Monitoring Sensors 35-10 intermittent Prised off the plastic grill in the door pillars (assume these are the sensors VCDS is referring to?) Anyone know how easy it is to get the sensor out? Thought I might see if theres anything obvious with the sensors - loose wire etc. Cheers
  3. Ah that may explain it - thanks mate I'll have a go this weekend.
  4. HI all - thanks to the advice given I have sorted my sensor problem so I thought I would use my vcds lite to test my alarm problem. The alarm keeops going off randomly (has done for the last 9 years so we just double lock it) Trouble is vcds lite reports - cannot connect with controller when i try the immobiliser module. Is that beacause I am using the free version? Happy to pay to upgrade if it will tell me where the alarm fault lies? WOuld be a major coup with Mrs GB if I can fix it after 9 years! BTW no water ingress, no spiders. Thanks again GB
  5. Cheers guys - will bid on those!
  6. Just swapped the sensor and the fault moved with the sensor - just goes to show ticking sensors arent always working maybe? I'll try ebay for a new one and hopefully problem solved. Thanks again! Worth the £7 for the Vag Com lead off ebay - worked a treat and very easy to set up. If anyone has a new or second hand working sensor I'd be happy to pay for it - cheers Garry
  7. Doh - never thought of moving the sensor!! Great idea and often the simplest ......hmmm. Thanks Bill - I'll give it a go.
  8. Hi All Anyone shed any light on this? I have the "parking sensor beep for 4 seconds then flashing light on the switch" problem. Used vag com which initially said front left sensor faulty. Took out the said sensor cleaned and put back and vagcom now says front left sensor open/short/intermittent. Its a bit strabge as when you switch the sensors on, they work for a few seconds, than get a continuous beep then work a bit then beep etc etc....? Before I go and splash out a horrendous amount for a new sensor (£75 ish) would the above vag com results indicate faulty wiring rather than faulty sensor? Also all the sensors are making the ticking sound including the one vagcom says is faulty. Thanks for all the advice!
  9. Just to say thanks for the thread. Had a real misting up problem on my 1.9tdi 2001 zetec gal. Wouldnt clear without the ac on all the time. Changed the pollen filter and now get about 500% more air flow through the vents into the cabin!!! Fan set to position 1 is now way more than it was on position 4 before changing the filter! Took about 40 mins in total. Removed old filter in about 5 mins (was totally black and clogged).The new filter I got was about 5mm thicker than the one I took out so made it more difficult as I had to loosen the wiper assembly (easy though, only 3 bolts). Problem now completely solved - no more misting up even with AC switched off!! Also fixed the rear washer pipe at the front passenger side in about 10 mins using advice on here. Many thanks to all on the forum.
  10. Hi All I have a 2001 1.9tdi Galaxy with the front screen misting problem. I have to have the ac on all the tme. There is little flow from the airvents so I am going to change the pollen filter and also check the scuttles are clear. Can anyone suggest an online shop for the filter? Also the quickclear screen has 2 bands about 3 inches wide that never clear right in front of the driver typically! Is it likely that the heating elements are open cct or is it a bad connection as i dont know how they connect electrically. Any help greatly appreciated.
  11. Thanks for all the advice. I tackled the wipers today. Thanks to all the info on here (by the way I can now see pictures so thanks to whoever fixed that!) One side very tight and freed off ok with wd40 and a clout. Other side completely seized (had to get a scaffold pole on the end to move it (how on earth did the motor move that?). Finally got it free using wd40 and in the end a blowtorch and alot of clout. Anyway they now work like a charm and I can spin them with me fingers! Total time 4 hours. Wold have been less had I not put it all back together with one of the spindles 180
  12. Thanks for taking the time to answer Kev - I'll tackle them one at a time as I cant afford to have 'em all done at the garage! If anyone can help with the problem I have with not being able to see pics, that would be a big help in me being able to fix these things Cheers Crafty
  13. Hello Al Great forum - Ive been reading pages and pages here today. Can anyone tell me why I cant look at pictures in posts - I get an error message saying I dont have permission? Anyway I have the following faults on my 2001 1.9tdi Front Wipers slow and occasionally stop ABS light always on Alarm goes off whenever it likes (nearly always at night) Rear washer doesnt work Auxilliary heater u/s Screen always foggy when raining These have crept in over the years but the abs light was the final straw and Im gonna have a go one by one eben though I only have 1 spanner and a pair of pliers!! I decided to start on the wipers as it seems common and not too difficult but I cant see the photos to help - any advice? Thanks Crafty
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