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    V reg 1999 (old shape) TDI
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  1. Hello all Thought i would pass on a quick update. i eventually bought a used diesel pump from the breakers and had it installed. It had to be recoded and once that was done my starting problem went away. So the old Gal is running again but only after having cost me an arm and a leg first. The frustrating bit is that so much of the diagnostics seems to be quesswork and based on a feeling. Seems like most of the mechanics I have met connect a VAG and if there is no error code really struggle to diagnose systematically without having to strip and rebuild the engine in the process. perhaps I'm being unfair bit i feel somewhat justified after the whole experience. regards
  2. this thread ;) http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=13230
  3. Also just found this thread which sounds a lot like my issue. I'm hoping the people at pbasher actually tested the pump and didn't just presume it was the cause. I think I should ask the garage to check the crank pulley just in case.
  4. I have just had the repair shop come back to me and tell me that the diesel pump has failed and that it's going to cost around
  5. Most likely issue with the power problem could me the air mass flowmeter. I got me one on ebay for less than
  6. I've seen that before when a ABS sensor failed on mine. had to have it replaced since they won't pass the MOT with it on.
  7. We actually went so far as installing a push-button switch to activate the glow plug relay and I could then engage it for a good 10 seconds but it did not make a difference. I am inclined now to think it may be a sensor although none showed up on the diagnostics. thankfully, I've never had a warm start problem at all. Not sure I could handle that happening as well :)
  8. That doesn't sound good. What puzzles is that come on literally overnight. it used to start first time, every time and then all of the this happened. I've had someone put it on diagnostics but there were no error codes. Really at a loss.
  9. Hi Have a 1999 Mk1 TDI with 130k which has all of the sudden developed a cold starting problem. One day it would start instantly (been like this for years) and the next day cranked for ages, eventually it coughed and spluttered for a few seconds and then started and a few seconds after that ran fine. The whole process created a huge cloud of white smoke (unburnt diesel I assume) while trying to start. Glow plugs replaced and checked power coming through. Where else do I look? thanks
  10. thanks i was told they were dealer only so this is good news.
  11. Hi Anyone know where I can get a a crank position sensor for a Mk1 TDI. Ford have quoted more than
  12. Does anyone know if the aux heater applies to the Mk I Galaxy? I looked for fuse 12 relating to this and it is for something else. Could it be called something else?
  13. Hi Recently replaced the MAF with a new after market unit one on the internet and it certainly did make a massive difference to the power. BUT, it now won't idle when cold and when it does manage to stay alive seems to be sort of hunting i.e. the revs drop suddenly and then it recovers and then goes in this cycle until warmer. It also stalls pretty easily when cold. This pretty much goes away when warm. Then, it will hesitate under acceleration unless I floor the pedal. I took it into a shop I know and they came back saying something about the dual mass flywheel and some sensor down there and was told that it just isn't worth doing until the clutch goes???? The car has always been a little rough on the tick over so he may be onto something but what baffles me though is why it only exibits this behavior with the new MAF connected. It does not cut out without the MAF connected. Could it be a dodgy MAF? Also, it smokes like a chimney under some acceleration, actually under almost all conditions. Any help would be appreciated.
  14. Follow-up After having spent time and money on replacing the thermostat and water pump, it turns out that the head gasket is gone. So we are hoping the head isn't too badly damaged but will have to see. Might be time to cut my losses on the Gal.
  15. I can vouch for the fact that there are definitely 2 different wiper assemblies and they are not interchangeable.
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