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  1. Hi all.... with regard to this problem with the park switch, is it a simple enough DIY job as my car is well out of warranty, so thought i would tackle it myself if it's not too bad a job. ....? would appreciate any help Focus LX, 2002, 1.8 TDCi
  2. Hi............ i have checked all the relevant posts but can't find anything similar to this: does anyone have a clue why my air con fan only comes on when the main fan comes on as well? As i look into the engine bay there are 2 fans and it is the slightly smaller one (on the right) that is the problem. As far as i know it's for the air con, but it does not come on even though it has been pretty warm today and i set the CC setting to 18c.... the fans blow slightly cool air, i can hear the clicking sound which i think is the cabin temperature being sampled and the compressor sounds like it is kicking in... but the fan does not spin. However, I've noticed that when the engine temp gets high enough for the main fan to come on, the air con fan then starts to work as well. As soon as the main fan stops, so does the other the one... also, not sure if it is related but the trip computer only shows dashes when i switch it to the temperature display (not sure if it measures oil or coolant temp?) all other displays, mpg, distance remaining etc seem to be fine. Any ideas anyone...?
  3. hi sanjsanj.... i have just looked at the photos you linked about removing the bulb holder. if you look at photo 3, the one you named 'bit that's stuck' you can see that the whole of the black plastic 'lump' has to come off.... i did this by levering underneath it with a large screwdriver while wiggling and pullling it up with the other hand. it is pushed on very securely, but it will come off with a bit of persistence...honest!
  4. SanjSanj, further to what madbaz and rojtatton were saying, the bulb holder is also the start inhibit switch which is designed to prevent the car being started in gear. You may find that after changing it that the car won't start, or you can start it but not get it into gear like rojtatton was saying. with any luck you wont get these problems but if you do, this is how i adjusted mine: 1. fit the bulb holder making sure that the little plastic contact unit is still in the slot (this actually clips over a spigot on the gear selector when you press the bulb holder into place. just check first that the old one isn't still clipped on the selector as it may come out of the slot when you prise off the old bulb holder, and will interfere with fittitng the new one. 2. if the engine wont start turn the screw on top of the bulb holder anti-clockwise a half turn at a time until it does. 3. if the car starts but you can't get it into gear - turn the screw clock-wise a half turn until you can.
  5. Sazere, just to let you know - you can change just the motor if necessary. i think your mechanic must be taking about the actual wiper linkage which they only sell as a complete unit. i have recently had to renew mine as it seized almost without warning...during a downpour ofcourse! i think fords charge about
  6. will do mate.... and if i can't get it off i will take a leaf out of your book and get a bigger hammer.
  7. First off, thanks Madbaz for posting that photo for me, and you reckon it's the right bit? I'll get down to the dealers and order one then.... i'll probably have to wait a week for it as they never sem to have any galaxy spares in - always a 'special order'. when i said about how do you get it off, i actually meant the grey connector on top....i think it's been welded on! Thanks once again for all the help. T120.... thanks for the info about vag com... i am afraid i don't know anyone who's got it but i'll change the temp. sensor and see how it goes (shouldn't be too expensive...?) ps... mumble bee, if you are reading this, how did you get on with changing the temp switch on your rad..... any luck?
  8. ok.... i went out and tried to find the coolant temp. sensor today but i am not sure if i have got the right bit. I am looking where Madbaz said and i think i can see it but would like to confirm it. i have taken a photo but i can't find out how to post it to this site.... can anyone tell me how to do this? there a couple of posts with pictures that show the temp sensor but they are for the Tdi.... nothing for the 2.3 what's confusing me is that i have a print out from a friend that says to change the temp sensor you must raise the vehicle and remove the engine undershield... but the bit i am looking at is easily accessible from the top of the engine bay...? If i could post the photo maybe someone could shed some light on it...
  9. Madbaz and Mumblebee..... thanks for your help, you've certainly made things a lot clearer and i will get out there and have a go.... as soon as it warms up a bit! I'll let you know how i get on..... Cheers
  10. Thanks for the info Mumble Bee..... it sounds like we have the same type of thing, and like you said, as it's not actually overheating you can live with it but it does get a bit worrying... especially when the scary little red light starts flashing! After reading the replies I have looked around to see how to change the temperature sensor... but I am not sure if there are 3 of them on my model (mk 1, 2.3 petrol) as some of the posts mention this but you can't always tell what model they have. i have read that there is a sensor for 1) the temp. gauge 2) the coolant (both on the thermostat housing) 3) a thermal fan siwtch on the rad itself. If anyone knows what one i should be swapping and where to find it, please let me know. i just need the fan to kick in before it gets to the red.... it would make things a lot more relaxing, I am nearly out of fingernails. Also, am i right in thinking that the stat on my model looks like a T shaped plastic housing with 3 large pipes connected to it?
  11. First off.... thanks MadBaz and Big Daddy for your replies... i will definitely look into changing the sensor unit. Dave G.... in answer to your question, no.... it has been like it for quite some time now. In fact, the problem doesn't really show up in the winter months when the outside temperature is nice and cold... it's about this time of year when it starts to get milder (supposedly) that it happens, and goes through the summer like it. Maybe the dealer is telling the truth about the needle...?
  12. Hi guys..... I have been visiting this site quite a bit over the last few weeks and i would like to say thanks for all the useful info posted by the members. my problem is this.... i have a 1998 2.3 petrol, automatic Galaxy that seems to overheat when in slow traffic. normally the temp. gauge is in the middle but if i have to crawl for more than a couple of minutes the needle quickly rises into the red, and then the fan decides to come on and the needle drops back to the high end of the scale, and this repeats (sometimes with the red warning light flashing as well) until i get moving again, and then the needle moves back into the middle of 'normal'. I took it to the ford dealer who said they tested the thermostat and it was working properly, and the fan was coming on when it should, but that the needle on the instrument panel was at fault and 'reading high'. They said it would mean a new instrument panel.. about
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