Hi All I have been a member for some time, but not posted any questions yet as I have always found the answers I needed using search. My current problem has me stumped; and I have searched through the forums and not found any matches. I have wipers that work perfectly well most of the time, but sometimes do not work at all. This has happened twice now, the first time I was on my way home from work and the heavens opened; turned the switch on for the wipers and nothing happened. I sat at the side of the road for a while scratching my head and looking for blown fuses or loose wires etc. but could not find anything and so set off the 9 miles home at a snails pace. Next day, got in the car and the wipers worked perfectly and have done ever since. Haven't thought about this since then, until driving home from the coast yesterday and the same thing happened again. This time I had to drive 80 miles in the rain; and to add to the frustration, the blooming things had been working in the morning on the way to the coast! Again, next day they are working pefectly. I have searched through the forum and found a number of threads suggesting that the mechanisms seaze up, but I dont seam to have the symptoms of this happeneing; there is no juddering of the wipers, the shafts dont heat up when in use, and when they are working they work perfectly. Other symptoms; when the wipers are not working, the screen wash and rear wipers still operate as normal. I find this very difficult to diagnose because the problem is no longer there to find; so I am hoping someone out there has some ideas for me to start looking into. I suspect that there is an electrical fault somewhere, but I need some advice about the system, I have no workshop manual as I dont think one is available. Please correct me if I am wrong I have a V reg 2.8 V6 ghia. Gaz