Got a list of Ford part no.s for 1.9 TDi Galaxy Zetec 2003 Grey Original SPN Selected SPN Description Unit Price QTY Code Price Tax Total 1051362 1051362 Retainer 9.76 1 GB 9.76 1.71 11.47 1051363 1051363 Retainer 9.76 1 GB 9.76 1.71 11.47 1127916 1127916 Retainer 1.78 1 GB 1.78 0.31 2.09 1127938 1127938 Retainer 1.78 1 GB 1.78 0.31 2.09 1148167 1148167 Retainer 11.66 1 GB 11.66 2.04 13.70 1148170 1148170 Support 11.66 1 GB 11.66 2.04 13.70 1009360 1420197 Bolt - Hex.Head 0.45 4 GC 1.80 0.31 2.11 7203591 7203591 Rivet - Blind 0.26 6 GC 1.56 0.27 1.83 7386488 7386488 Nut - Special 0.19 4 GC 0.76 0.13 0.89 Parts Totals 50.52 8.84 59.36 Sorry about the formatting I can't get the table to show properly however I've attached a picture of the table Grey SEAT Part No.s from Topic 3421 & Post=17 S7M0868795F Retainer 1 S7M0868796E Retainer 1 S7M3868776U71 Mounting 1 S7M3868775U71 Mounting 1 S7M0868778U71 Mounting 1 S7M0868777AU71 Mounting 1 SN0141423 Screw 4 SN0161943 Rivets 6 SN0386021 Nut 4 Heres the translated (Googled) from the VW parts link above VOLKSWAGEN Teilnummern: 7MO 868,775 C admission (left in front) 7MO 868,795 F retaining support (left in front) 7MO 868,776 C admission (right in front) 7MO 868,795 E retaining support (right in front) 7MO 868,777 A admission (left in the back) 7MO 868,778 admission (right in the back) N 038,602 1 die nuts (insges. four necessarily) N 014,142 3 fillister-head screws M6x20 (insges. four necessarily) N 016,194 3 blind rivets 4,8x 7.6 (insges. six necessarily) also commercial standard colors to consider