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Everything posted by antony

  1. i refurbished a set of wheels from my old MR2, most nasty holes and scuffs were repaired with the usual epoxy 2 part body filler. then I also used filler primer just to make sure i had not missed anything. Of course they were then painted a nice silver and 6 coats of laquer
  2. its too dark and cold at the moment but i've checked the instruction manual and yes it is only 110bhp, oh seatkid you are a god when it come to technical details, thanks for getting me off my arse to check. :D
  3. the whiff is refusing to drive it now so i'm checking it sooner rather than later :D
  4. you guys are the nuts. i've got some checking to do now. as for the 115bhp, i'm sure it is 115 and its not PD. Not unless PD stands for Plonker Driving <_<
  5. its a mk1 115bhp 1.9tdi model. i'm inclined to think your right with air maybe gettin in somehow as its soooooo random its unreal. I suppose i could check all fixings on the fuel line as if its letting air in, i suppose it could let small amounts of diesel out?
  6. oh and if its just sitting idling then it stalls at random.
  7. sorry for not replying sooner, helps if i subscribe to this post !! its completetly random and its like it goes to stall when your doing, say, 50mph in 5th but i'm assuming because youre going so fast and in gear its like a fast bump start so its just like a jolt. But this is new......... i was going to work and it lost power, really wierd.... doing 60, and i suddenly had no go. if i eased back the throttle to just under 20,000 rpm it JUST maintained speed. if i gave it just the touch above 20k rpm it rattled and slowly lost momentum. :16: think i'l dig a hole and bury the ******* :o
  8. Yep its the wires in that rubber boot in the boot. I had exactly the same, and number plate lights didnt work, unlocking via the boot set off the alarm, middle brake light didnt work and the interior light was tempremental when you opened the boot. I had 6 split wires. You WILL need some cable to patch the existing ones that have split as its a tight fit and check BOTH ends of the boot. unfortunately i had to split mine as the work space is way too tight.
  9. ok, now i'm stumped. my car runs fine, no loss of power at all but completely at random the car stalls or tries to stall. if fresh from starting up it sometimes stalls if running down the road, no matter what gear or speed it kinda hiccups like you just caught the stall but bump started it again. i changed the maf and no difference.
  10. I need help solving this riddle. I have a W reg ( 2000 ) 1.9 Tdi alhambra manual box approaching 140k, very nice reliable motor. However, every now and again you are driving along doing nothing out of the ordinary, sometimes 30 mph, sometimes on motorways doing 70 ( ish ;-) ). and the car almost seems to die instantaneously. most of the time its so sudden and brief that you carry on, rarely the engine stalls. So what are we looking for? MAF? crank sensor? (if its got one) i've also heard of an air supply to the turbo which can get blocked with fuel ?!?
  11. I too have cruise control problems. My Cruise packed up completely for no apparent reason. I then noticed the cables broken to the indicator so i replaced the complete indicator, wiper unit. I tried the cruise control again to no avail. I have a 2000 alhambra 1.9 TDi SE From what i have read the diesels dont have the vacuum system. so where do i go now? What do the switches look like on the brake / clutch pedals. And why aint there a fuse or relay for the cruise control. I cant find any reference to relays in these cars anyway.
  12. i know this is an old topic now but i have a 2000 1.9 alhambra with climate, i've had it regassed and i have cold in front and not in the back. anyway, I was doing some work on the front of the car and took out the drivers side indicator lens, I found wot looks like an air con filler cap! when i originally had it regassed I was asked if i had more than 1 gassing point as i may have air con in the back. so wot is the point I found?
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