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  1. hi chris had the same problem last year ... i my case it was the pressure switch on the air con unit due to its poor location water was getting into switch causing a short circuit.. try disconnecting the pressure switch .. its located under the drivers side wheel arch behind the plastic cover .
  2. changing relay 30 have at grahamms description of changing relay 30 hopefully this will help you
  3. http://www.ross-tech.com/ is where you can download vag.com your main problem is getting a suitable lead ... lots of people on this forum have tried ebay.. it may be worth having a look at http://www.skpang.co.uk/catalog/ this may give you some idea of price you may have to pay ... looking at skpang web site I cannot see my unit . it may be of benefit for you to email them for the most suitable unit for you.
  4. HI G7enn if all your ultrasonic sensors are ticking will indicate they are ok most of the time if like me it wont help unfortunately 1 faulty sensor front or back will fail the entire system. then the problem is which one. to change . to locate my faulty sensor I used VAG-com v704.1 which can be downloaded free off the internet onto a laptop Now for the bad news you will also need a lead to connect the laptop to the cars diagnostic socket bottom of the dash above the accelerator pedal The lead I used which appears to work on all modules in my cars electronics is made by www.SKPANG.co.uk is the KEY-USB+ duak K Dongle. G7enn If you have not got VAG-com may be somebody else on this forum who live local can help. Below if a brief description of how to check your sensors with VAG.com boot up the laptop and start VAG.com Plug your lead into the laptops usb and the cars Diagnostic socket turn the cars ignition key until the warning lights display ....... this method has to be used for all modules vag.com will tell you to switch the ignition off when checking the airbags press Options select usb if you dongle is usb and press test .... if all is ok vag.com will say the connection to the car is ok. ... if not try unplugging the usb connection and plugging back in and testing again.. if the test is ok and you have a connection go to the main page of Vag.com . (if the connection has failed you wont be allowed access) on the main page on vag.com click the following buttons.....select control module......electronics1.......76-park assist on entering park assist click on measuring blocks in basic functions you will see 3 groups off measuring blocks one above the other not showing much of interest at the moment all 3 displaying group 000 click on the + buttons on the first block to 001 this is displaying the distances in mm of all four front ultrasonic sensors volunteer somebody to walk up to a front sensor one of the values seen will change check all 4. click on the + buttons on the second block to 002 this is displaying the distances in mm of all four rear ultrasonic sensors volunteer somebody to walk up to a rear sensor one of the values seen will change check all 4. any sensor that fails to change in value or is vastly different from the other 7 will be the faulty unit. hope this helps :)
  5. i have a 2003 galaxy the batterys failed in my key fob last week .recoding after replacing the batterys was easy i was expecting a nightmare . the key fob contains two batterys CR2016 3v lithium batterys sell them anywhere I bought mine in tescos. the key itself just unclips with the aid of a small terminal screw driver. the programming is shown in the owners guide if you have lost yours heres how to do it replace the batterys in the key there is a metal plate between the batterys dont loose it . check the batterys are correctly fitted by pressing a fob button and checking the led on the key fob is working insert the key into the drivers door lock and turn the key clockwise (the unlock direction) 3 times holding in the unlock position for 0.5 seconds then let the key return to its normal posiion. the drivers door led now lights up remove the key from the drivers door . within 5 seconds hold the lock button in on key fob and press the unlock button 3 times now release the lock button the key is now coded the drivers door led will flash to confirm the coding has been completed the above coding procedure has to be done in 15seconds after the drivers door led has gone out the key fob can now be tested :o
  6. i had the same problem with parking sensors not working some months ago .... front and back sensors would not work ... its been recommended in this forum to listen to each sensor for a clicking noise when its ok in my case all the sensors clicked ok.. my only option to locate the fault was to use VAG-com this allowed me to test the all the sensors to locate the faulty unit. my faulty sensor was locate to the rear on the drivers side ..the sensors just clip in but due to the build-up of dirt etc they may be stuck solid . please be careful when buying from ebay there are a number of ultrasonic sensors that look correct for your car but its connector may be the wrong size to fit your plug (thats the mistake I made) . the price from ford is over
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