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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    galaxy 2.3 ghia
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    South East

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  1. Hi, I wonder if anybody can help me look in the right direction? The climate control has started to play up and doesn't blow any cold air! It was regassed in the summer and has been fine untill last week, it went back to the garage but they said the system was fine and it is an electricl fault! the one thing that is strange is that the cabin temp display sometimes increses by a couple of degrees all by its self!!!? I have had various electrical faults on this car and wondered if this could be another dodgy ford wire broken somewhere? or is it likely to be the controll unit its self? the car is 2001 (facelift) 2.3 Any help as usuall would be greatly received! Thanks
  2. Thanks for the advise chaps, with regard to removing the loom completly how much of the car do you have to dismantle to do this? where are the conectors for this? and then is it better to get a replacement loom?! Are they loads of money? sorry loads of questions but once I start to do this I know the wife will be going on about how long is it going to take, as I am sure she will have some very important shopping to do that quite simply cant wait!!!! Thanks again. I have taken some pictures of the broken wiring if thay are of any use to put on the forum for reference?
  3. Hi, thanks for the advise so far, Having looked again at the rear loom ( the off side this time !!!) I think I have found the problem!!! About 6 wires showing the inner core and 3 broken completely! The next question is the best way to splice them back together, the breaks are just where the wires exit the car frame so trying to solder them there might be tricky, is there any mileage in taking the rear covers off or the rear light cluster out to gain better access? Will be going to get a load of wire tomorrow so any hints or tips would be welcome! Thanks Dean
  4. Thanks for the help, looks like i'm in for a long weekend will let you know how i get on!! cheers Deano
  5. Hi, I have a really wierd fault just developed on my Gal and wondered if anybody could point me in some sort of direction? here goes, When I press the break, the fog light light on the dash comes on (but the fog lights dont) When I turn the main light swithch on the fog light light comes on (but the fog lights dont) When I turn the fog lights on nothing happens. When I go into reverse the dash lights light up, but the reversing lights dont come on. The parking sensors stay on sometimes. I have checked the wiring looms between the drivers door and the tail gate but they look ok? Are there any other common wiring problems that could cause this? Any clues????? Thanks in advance Dean 2001 2.3 ghia auto
  6. Hi, Has anyone replaced the rubber boots on the tail gate before? The off side one has broken and the wires are exposed. is this an easy job or a nightmare?!! Any help at all would be good! Thanks Deano
  7. Thanks chaps, found the problem this morning! Broken pin in the drivers side wiring loom. The pin had snaped off in the plug it was the red/white wire. There was no way of getting the broken part of the pin out ,it seemed very stiff and still secure in place so i put a small amount of tin foil in the hole at the back of the pin pushed the remaning part of the wire,with the remaining part of the pin, back into the hole pushed a bit more foil in for good luck, cable tied the wire to the adjacent wire and reassembled the plug and socket!! Hey guess what? Perfect!!! Thanks for the help now just need to know how to change the whole loom for when (if ever!!) I get around to doing it properly!!!! Now going to spend the rest of my day learning to paramotor (much more fun i hope!) Thanks again Deano
  8. Hi, I have got a strange problem with the central locking on my galaxy. When locking with the remote, all the doors lock with the exception of the drivers side which locks at first and the about 2secounds later unlocks itself again!? Somtimes I can then lock it with the key but somtimes it isn't possible to turn the key in the lock?! Then if I unlock the car with the remote the drivers door will lock while all the other doors unlock??!! Also this stops the petrol cap from unlocking somtimes???!!! Any bright sparks got any clues asto what this could be? Look forward to any help at all. Deano 2.3 gal ghia
  9. Thanks for that, found what the problem was, split hose just as on the Faq! Job done! Now onto the next one, central locking!! Thanks and great site! Deano
  10. Hi I have recently bought a 2.3 2001 galaxy and the cruise control has failed!!! Anyone got any ideas where to start? Thanks Deano
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