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About drcrawey

  • Birthday 03/06/1969

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    North West

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  • Interests
    Motorbikes, camping, beer

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  1. When mine went I coul not get any gears so it maybe another problem.But if the bolt is only half out it could cause selection problems for certain gears.If it falls out completely and into the box at speed its bye bye box and hello to a very large bill, luckily I was crawling when mine went. I would spend an hour taking the stack out and hope the bolt is half out, before putting it in a garage,
  2. Just remember the old bolt will be in the bottom of the gearbox and must come out.{ unless it has punched a hole in casing}. I replaced clutch slave and bearing while box was out
  3. Just found the bolt on myTIS disc. The modded one apparently has a slightly triangular section to cut in a bit and grip better, also some loctite is recommended.I can't seem to upload pics but if you pm me your email address i will forward them. The bolt i a 7mm metric fine thread. OH it appears I have uploaded pics. the bolt is the one one second image arrowed 1. HOPE THIS HELPS
  4. The selector stack should not be worn , new ones are not cheap but a new pinch bolt is only pennies, the problem is getting the old one out,I was quoted 450 + vat at a gearbox specialist, but opted to remove box myself and it cost me 100 to get it split and bolt removed . Modified bolt fitted and should not happen again. apparently this is a common fault.
  5. Just had similar problem on mine . You can get the selector stack out from above if you remove all the cowlings around expansion tank, fuel filter bracket, and battery tray. Supprt transmission from below with a jack as the gearbox mount is held on with four 16mm bolts through the tray. There are 6 or 7 10mm bolts holding the stack which are difficult to get to but with a small spanner and a 1/4 inch drive sockket and extensions it is possible. the stack will lift out once you have disconnected reversve light switch and selector cables which will pop off. Mine turned out to be the pinch bolt at the bottom of stack. which meant a gearbox out job , Hope this helps Ian
  6. Having had my gearbox out ( and all parts that go with this) I now have a leak from my nearside driveshsft oil seal. Can anyone tell me if this is a FRAUD DEALER only part or can I get one elsewhere?? Thanks in advance Ian
  7. How are you at night time manouvres??
  8. This is the same price I was quoted at three dealers and I think its a dealer only part. just have to bite the bullet I'm afraid , thats whwt I had to do!!! :lol:
  9. I have broken down recently with a gearbox problem, got recovered by AA (eventually but thats another story) crawling along in first gear , dipped clutch tried to put in neutral and lifted clutch resulting in a stall. tried this again same result!..I have check all cables which seem to be ok but the shaft that enters the gearbox seems to have no resistance when turned. I suspect and hope this is the pinch bolt failed on the selector inside the box .Does anyone have any other ideas and is it possible to remove selector assembly without dropping gearbox? thanks in advance Ian
  10. who cares ? 25% more power for 46 quid . use it responsibly won't kill anyone ....enjoy its not scum drivin an impreza is it?
  11. Just put me chip in, well at first thought there was no difference, then I read the very broken German to English translated insructions and tuned it in. WOW whata difference , still needs tweeking but bags more power and a little smoke! Got minr from Lightandchip-tuning on ebay
  12. You will get a beam bender kit and and gb sticker complete with spare bulb kit (also a legal requirement) from tesco direct. Or order online at www.tesco.com catologue number 100-3541
  13. I'm doing mine later this week so I will give any details I have found useful when its done.Watch this space !!!
  14. thanks to both of you for your help hopefully I can sort it now :)
  15. I am thinking of getting a chip for my tdi 90 march 2000 gal. The more I read on Ebay the more con fused I get , can anyone tell me which engine I have ( PD etc ) and where the chip plugs in so I can check how many pins etc? It appears to have a Bosch injector system but need to make sure before I order THANKS Ian
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