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Everything posted by fozzer

  1. Hi I've just changed my water logged CL box for a decent one I got from my local scrapyard [ makers code 7M0 962 257H ], It does everything except let me programme the remote, I have tried the usual three key turns but it will not enter the programming mode. When I interrogate it with vagcom it give software code 0005, I tried 0006 which allows me to open just one door with one turn and all doors with two turns. I read elsewhere on this forum that the code 04097 is standard but my module will not accept this. Does anybody know the right code for this box, or, suggest codes to try?
  2. Hi I've just changed my water logged CL box for a decent one I got from my local scrapyard [ makers code 7M0 962 257H ], It does everything except let me programme the remote, I have tried the usual three key turns but it will not enter the programming mode. When I interrogate it with vagcom it give software code 0005, I tried 0006 which allows me to open just one door with one turn and all doors with two turns. I read elsewhere on this forum that the code 04097 is standard but my module will not accept this. Does anybody know the right code for this box, or, suggest codes to try?
  3. A question for all you knowledgeable chaps out there, for a while I have had a slight misfire on my '95 V6 and lack of power on climbs, I checked all the obvious things like coil pack, leads and plugs with no luck, I took it to my local dealer [by the way I live in Spain], he spent 45 minutes on the diagnostic computer and came up with a fault on the cam position sensor, he quoted a price of 45 euros for supplying the sensor, but before I replace it has anyone had experience of this failing and do you think this would cause the symptoms above. By the way for the time spent on the computer he charged me the princely sum of 10 euros!, including replacing a small piece of tube connecting one of the air sensors. The car has done 178k and I did wonder if I had a head gasket problem but the misfire is very erratic and it is not showing any of the usual signs eg emulsified oil, exhaust fumes in water etc Thanks in anticipation Graham
  4. 180K on mine and still running fine
  5. How much Steve?
  6. ANYTHING BUT THAT Im too young for pipe and slippers!
  7. Hi I'm running a V6 Ghia with 173k on the clock. most of the time the car is running fine, but now and again, especially when going uphill I can hear a strange spitting type noise which is very hard to describe, almost a putt putt type noise [don't laugh at the back], at first I thought the exhaust was blowing, but its very intermittent, but I wonder now if it is possibly the start of piston slap?. The car is not using excessive oil or water, any ideas chaps.
  8. Item number 7973484178 on Ebay, anyone give me a clue as to what this is, and does it work?
  9. Sounds like roll bar drop links, do search has been covered many times.
  10. JML replacement rubbers are about
  11. Anyone tried the new JML cut to fit "Wonderwipers" ?
  12. CD Multichanger??
  13. Sorry meant to give my address: fozzer2002@yahoo.com
  14. My monies on coil pack or HT leads had same problem few years ago
  15. Check connecting cables behind both front wheels, as I have just found out they can break by the multiplug and give the impression that a sensor is up the duff. I soldered the wire on mine and covered in silicone sealer to waterproof and its right as rain. Fraud dealers won't tell you it was something this simple. Thay are easily checked by putting the wheels on lock and looking behind the wheels, there is a thin black cable running between the wheel and inner wheel arch.
  16. Could be gear linkage cables stretched or about to break, Had similiar prob with my V6
  17. Try www.environsales.com last time I contacted them they had seats wings and bonnets left in stock. Regards Graham
  18. Hi had my Gal over in Spain for 16 months and the interior plastic trim on the doors next to the mirrors has caught the sun and shrunk back 10-15 mm showing the foam behind. Is there a way to stretch this back again to cover the foam, I thought of maybe using a hairdryer to soften the trim again and pull it back into place??. Has anyone come across this problem, I know one guy in Devon/Cornwall did, any joy in rectifying? Regards Graham P.S. I too have the swimming pool central locking syndrome, Anyone found a cheap source for replacement/repair. Local Ford dealer quoted 280 Euros for new. Is it true Ford recognise this as a fault and replace them F.O.C. I seem to remember reading it on a watchdog type site.
  19. Yes there is a tool available, probably from a good parts shop. Don't make the same mistake I did and screw it the wrong way, the piston came out of the cylinder and spilled fluid everywhere!! you can turn it with molegrips if you are stuck.
  20. Try http://www.environsales.com/what_parts.htm TDi Engine
  21. Are the bulbs hard to fit in dash I've currently got 2 out and last time the dealer fitted one they charged me 40 nicker!, they said the whole dash had to come out!
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