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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  1. thank you for the reply i will surly check this out tomorrow and post back on what i find,
  2. thank you for the reply, if the mod can put this in the correct forum please or shall i create a new post in the correct forum? Also the turbo seems to be working fine ive just drove it on the motorway today and it was smooth no noise, just usually when im driving up a hill i notice it more....
  3. hello i have a 57 zetec galaxy mk3 and when driving up a hill i have noticed a whistling noise that is abnormal. The Turbo seems to work fine, i originally thought that it needed a good drive on the motorway to probably unclog the gunk, so i did this and afterwards the noise has gone but now it has comeback with a vengeance. Thank You ps. Any ideas on what it could be.
  4. again thank you for the reply, the pdf you sent me only has 1 page and its for the triple thing which i dont have.
  5. on the heater controls iirc there is a button you press think its the mono button,press this then if im right the rear heater should spring into life? Hey Thanks for the quick reply, ive pressed that button and nothing is happening? any ideas why?
  6. hello, i have a problem with rear heaters how do you switch them on, On the dash its not the manual control its the digital one like this? http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201139418524312/sort/priceasc/usedcars/transmission/automatic/price-to/14000/engine-size-cars/2l_to_2-5l/model/galaxy/make/ford/postcode/hg20ad/page/13/radius/1500/image-id/1899520457?logcode=pe=p Thank You
  7. http://megaupload.com/?d=QND5CG81
  8. Hi, Did you ever get a copy, I could do with one too. Thanks Mel hi, sorry for the late reply, i did find one on the internet and if you want i can scan the pages and make a pdf for you if you like. please reply to this message and ill upload it you.... again sorry for the late reply
  9. Hello, i was wondering if anyone had the owners manual for the Ford Galaxy MKIII 2007 plate? If someone would be kind enough to upload it please. Thank You
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