Hi All, Just registered on the site - had a good scan through some of the previous technical problems and it seems there is one that has raised its ugly head with my Galaxy. IT WON'T START!!! It developed an intermitent starting problem a couple of weeks ago, but would always fire up after a few tries. Then the other morning it took a turn for the worse and refused to budge! Starter motor turns engine but thats all, it will not fire. Noticed the LED flashing furiously then produce what I understand is a code 1:6 fault. I believe this means the PATS and EEC V have fallen out with each other and aren't talking anymore! Towed it to dealers, for a diagnostic check, they can't look at it until next week. Is this likely to cost me mega bucks, or can I dream there may just be a bad connection somewhere? Its a 1999 (S) 2.3 Ghia X, which I,ve had about 15 months and up to now its been great. Are my illusions about to be shattered?!? Lee