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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Ford Galaxy 2.3 Ghia X (1999 S)

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  1. Here's a piccy of my motor having a quick break during a jaunt around Scotland last year.
  2. Presumably your Galaxy is the mark 1? If so have you tried removing the lower windscreen corner trims yet and cleaning and re-sealing the upper holes that the trims clip into? You will need to remove the wiper arms to get the trim off. From your description it sounds exactly like what mine was doing. The holes in the bodywork run through into the car behind the dashboard. Mine only seemed to suffer in the rain when stood. Hosepipe water or driving in the rain didn't seem to let the water in!! Lee
  3. Don't know if this may help you, just posted it on a similar issue (my original post was back in July 2005). Cleaned the scuttle drains, checked the sunroof drains, inspected the rear wash pipe and removed the vent fan to see if there was any water in the duct system. Everything checked out, but water was still getting in. Final effort was to check around the external corner trims at the bottom of the windscreen. Removed wiper arm first, then carefully lifted off trim from 3 push in clips. The upper clip fixing had a sticky backed pad around the hole as well as being set in some silicone. This hole leads directly into the space along the back of the dashboard inside the car. The silicone had dried out and cracked and the whole area around the clip was full of dirt. Removed clip cleaned area and did away with sticky pad and old silicone. Reset clip back into hole with plenty of fresh silicone and re-assembled. Did this on both sides. There has been no sign of any more leaks since. Lee
  4. Howdy do, I had water ingress problems with mine some time ago, with the 'sloshing' sound along the back of the dashboard. I originally posted this back in July 2005. Cleaned the scuttle drains, checked the sunroof drains, inspected the rear wash pipe and removed the vent fan to see if there was any water in the duct system. Everything checked out, but water was still getting in. Final effort was to check around the external corner trims at the bottom of the windscreen. Removed wiper arm first, then carefully lifted off trim from 3 push in clips. The upper clip fixing had a sticky backed pad around the hole as well as being set in some silicone. This hole leads directly into the space along the back of the dashboard inside the car. The silicone had dried out and cracked and the whole area around the clip was full of dirt. Removed clip cleaned area and did away with sticky pad and old silicone. Reset clip back into hole with plenty of fresh silicone and re-assembled. Did this on both sides. There has been no sign of any more leaks since. May be worth a try! Lee
  5. Don't know if this may help, I originally posted it back in July 2005. Had a water ingress problem on mine. Cleaned the scuttle drains, checked the sunroof drains, inspected the rear wash pipe and removed the vent fan to see if there was any water in the duct system. Everything checked out, but water was still getting in. Final effort was to check around the external corner trims at the bottom of the windscreen. Removed wiper arm first, then carefully lifted off trim from 3 push in clips. The upper clip fixing had a sticky backed pad around the hole as well as being set in some silicone. This hole leads directly into the space along the back of the dashboard inside the car. The silicone had dried out and cracked and the whole area around the clip was full of dirt. Removed clip cleaned area and did away with sticky pad and old silicone. Reset clip back into hole with plenty of fresh silicone and re-assembled. Did this on both sides. There has been no sign of any more leaks since. May be worth a try! Lee
  6. Had the same problem with water ingress on mine, which started about 3 months ago. Cleaned the scuttle drains, checked the sunroof drains, inspected the rear wash pipe and removed the vent fan to see if there was any water in the duct system, but water was still getting in. Next step was to have the windscreen out for re-sealing. However, prior to that I tried one last thing. Removed the corner trim around the bottom of the windscreen, taking wiper arm off first and then carefully lifted off trim from 3 push in clips. The upper clip is fixed in the 'A' pillar and had a sticky backed pad around the hole as well as being set in some sort of silicone. The silicone had dried out and cracked and the whole area around the clip was full of dirt. Removed clip cleaned area and did away with sticky pad and old silicone. Reset clip back into hole with plenty of fresh silicone and re-assembled. Done this on both sides. Sprayed windscreen with hosepipe, and had quite a bit of rain over last week with no sign of any more leaks!!!!!!
  7. Good News! It starts again, got my Galaxy back from the garage today. The diagnostic check highlighted a problem with one of the relays (I believe the same problem that Andy had) Mechanic bridged out the relay and the engine started, taking the bridge back out and it wouldn't fire up. Replacing the relay cured the fault! Quite happy with the cost for the work, after hearing of many horror stories of mega bucks just to plug the diagnostic machine in!
  8. Thanks for the advice Gary, however, yes I've 3 keys and it doesn't make any difference which one I try. I've also checked various fuses, but didn't go as far as stripping any trim off to look at any other connections. Lee
  9. Hi All, Just registered on the site - had a good scan through some of the previous technical problems and it seems there is one that has raised its ugly head with my Galaxy. IT WON'T START!!! It developed an intermitent starting problem a couple of weeks ago, but would always fire up after a few tries. Then the other morning it took a turn for the worse and refused to budge! Starter motor turns engine but thats all, it will not fire. Noticed the LED flashing furiously then produce what I understand is a code 1:6 fault. I believe this means the PATS and EEC V have fallen out with each other and aren't talking anymore! Towed it to dealers, for a diagnostic check, they can't look at it until next week. Is this likely to cost me mega bucks, or can I dream there may just be a bad connection somewhere? Its a 1999 (S) 2.3 Ghia X, which I,ve had about 15 months and up to now its been great. Are my illusions about to be shattered?!? Lee
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