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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

My Other Car Is A Galaxy

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Everything posted by My Other Car Is A Galaxy

  1. Mumof4, sorry didn't mean it to look like I was talking over you. I was actually directing the removing things question to you, and was just thanking Whitty for his input. Sheepishly sorry here, I always put things across wrong.
  2. Whitty, many thanks. Me and you have the same car by the way. Now one last silly question, is it on the left looking from the front, or is it on the left when sitting in the car. Plus, mumof4 mentioned removing something, is that the case? Do I have to remove anything? :wacko: Thanks.
  3. Okay I am a numpty. Can anybody please tell me where the brake fluid reservoir is on my 52 Plate 1.9TDi Ghia. I haven't a clue and I've looked everywhere, including in the cupboard under the kitchen sink... Joking apart, I have looked through the forum and can't seem to find the answer anywhere, as most answers seem to relate to the Mark I. Help.
  4. If you are not losing water I wouldn't worry. I have a 52 plate 1.9TDi Ghia, and I get two pools of the water you mention. One at the front, and one at the nearside rear. It is almost definitely condensation drainage from the air-con. Hope this helps.
  5. I take it that wiper linkage must be a sore point or in joke. :huh: That's okay I don't know anything about wiper linkage. Is it catching? My blood isn't so fresh, I am 41 now. As for the kids, they are 17, 14, 4, and 2. If I get stuck I will ask, so that will be every 10 minutes as I am not very computer literate unless it is playing games, or e:mailing. :) Many thanks for the friendly reply, I am sure I will get to know people eventually. By the way I am in the Southampton Area.
  6. Hi, My name is Nigel and I have a Ford Galaxy 1.9TDi Ghia 2002 model, on a 52 Plate. She is the 6 speed manual model, with just about all the extra's. To be honest I have never been a Ford fan since owning an XR3i in my younger days. Then after a growing family caused the need for a 7 seater, I decided on a Galaxy. My first Galaxy was a 99 2.3 Ghia, which I was not too impressed with due to a few niggly faults, and the consumption. Then about a year ago I replaced it with the one I have now, what a difference. I love it, economical, nippy, and plenty of gadgets for those that like them. I have read through the forums looking for the questions I wanted answered, and the first one was the brake pedal to the floor when on tickover. Mine is just the same, brakes perfectly when in use, but with reasonable pressure applied to the pedal during tickover it travels almost to the floor. It has passed 2 MOT's with this, and I have done a few miles with no problems. I will be posting another question regarding the reservoir. You may ask why I am called my other car is a Galaxy, this is because I have 3 cars. The Gal (family car), MG Express (ZR Van) for work, and an MGF which is my toy. To the family, there is of course me, the wife, 3 boys, and a girl. A glutton for punishment I know, but I love them all, and wouldn't have it any other way. As I'm new to this, not sure what else to say so will leave it here. Regards to all, Nigel
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