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  1. Just because the door is locking isn't confirmation that the door is classed as closed (ie, the ecu thinks the door is closed) as the doors will lock even on the 1st latched position - go back into vag-com, reload controler 9 but then go into "Measuring blocks" - from memory I think you want to look at block 5 - but you should find the block that shows the reported status of each door including the bonnet and tailgate. Obviously with all doors shut that should be reported as such within the block, if one isn't then thats the cause of your fault. For a while I have had the same problem (indicators not flashing on lock/open).The warning beeper when lights left on also does not work.Checked fuses all OK.Thanks to hints here it has dawned on me that a wire in the drivers door connection must be broken.Had it before when windows would not open/close.Thanks again for the replies it has saved me a lot of trouble.
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