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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Ford Galaxy 2.3 Ghia X
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  1. Hi, As title suggests, I need a MK1 16" alloy for a Ghia X 1999. TIA OBEE
  2. Just been told I need a new wheel for the missus's Galaxy :16: I've had a look on eBay but no matches. I guess next step is dealers as don't have time to look around scrap yards. Does anyone know the product code for this wheel: http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t129/obee72/wheel.jpg ?? Ta muchly Obee
  3. I'd like to think mine are too young (7 & 5, both girls) to really grasp the 'power' :lol: of the t'internet, so I was after something whereby I don't have to keep a constant eye on them and that attempts to keep them away from any dodgy sites.
  4. Hi All, Does anyone use any parental control software to make sure the kids aren't looking at things they shouldn't be on the internet ? I can keep an eye on what they are viewing but i'm thinking of something more proactive rather than my reactive monitoring. TIA OBee
  5. Anyone know where do I can find non-ford h/u's that work with the stalk ? TIA OBee
  6. Sorry for the daft questions, but where is the inhibitor switch and how do I get to it ? Just ordered a Haynes manual for the Gal as I think I may need it !!!
  7. Cheers Steve. Its a MK1. In that case, is there a 5/6/7000 unit that will fit relatively easily and work with the stalk ? Also, where do I find non-ford h/u's that work with the stalk ? Last one, what does mfd stand for, it doing my head in reading threads littered with it ? Ta Muchly OBee
  8. I'm not sure whether its the switch or not to be honest. How do you bypass it to find out ?
  9. Hi peeps, Had the Gal for a few weeks now and really need to do something with the stereo. Its currently got a cheap Kenwood pop-off front stereo that the dealer fitted before we bought her :( . I would like to do either of the following two but not sure about how much work is involved : 1) fit original 2007R + original 10CD changer (all from eBay) or 2) fit Ford 6006E In both cases would like to get the stalk controls working again but both would require changes to the dash as its only single slot at the moment with the tray underneath. Ideal scenario would be the 6006E with functioning stalk control. Has anyone done either before and if so, what is involved ? TIA OBee
  10. Hi All, We have been having problems with starting the Gal since we bought her. From reading on here (v. useful site :( ) it could be the inhibitor switch in the auto gear lever housing. So, does anyone know the product code for this switch as the local garage tried to get one but were sent the wrong switch and are now stumped ? TIA OBee
  11. aw please, it doesn't make me a bad person :ph34r: Even I will admit Ronaldo dived for the 1st penalty against Spurs. Just when I thought he had got over the diving phase, down he goes again !!!
  12. Also, does anyone know the part number for the Auto Inhibitor Switch ? TIAA OBee
  13. Does anyone know if this will fit in a MK1 Galaxy easily ? Will the external controller fit below the stereo ? TIA OBee
  14. Indeed, we only turned up for 5 minutes. Liam Brady stole the show as I remember. What happened here though: http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t129/obee72/1980CupFinalProgrammeFront.jpg :lol: Please don't mention 2005 :lol: , how many attempts can we have and not score !!! Do us a favour though and beat Chelski in the Cup Final :lol:
  15. Quality goal, you can have that one :lol: Now where's that Giggs goal in the FA Cup semi :lol:
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