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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Alhambra 1.9tdi was 130bhp
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  1. Legally, the only vehicles that need to have reinforced tyres are commercial vehicles,in the case of the galaxy even the index rating of say 96 is not a legal requirement on a galaxy.although I believe the galaxy came with tyres rated between 96 and 98, the Only legal requirement is you do not over load the tyres. An index rating of even say 91, means each tyre can carry 615kg which when multiplied by 4, equals a max weight of 2430kg, fully loaded. It would be up to the owner to not exceed this.Having said that, having tyres rated between 96 and 98 are a good idea as this brings up the tyre carrying weight to 710/750kg each, which means never needing to worry about being overloaded..
  2. The valve should be closed anyway, the vacuum should suck the valve open at light throttle so if the vacuum was not working and after you cleaned the Egr valve it was in the closed position[normal] then the vacuum not working would not be an issue. Indeed if the egr valve is faulty, then clean it up leave it in the closed position and disconnect the vacuum pipe anyway, save your money and spend it else where. It will not effect your vehicles performance or passing of the MOT. Your vehicle, is it still smoking black smoke? it might be worth getting you entire exhaust system including the cat cleaned our. Air line and soft rubber mallet as if its been smoking black smoke the build up in your exhaust system could lead to some of the proplems you are encountering, indeed it could lead to other problems if not cleaned out...
  3. sassygirl, having paid out 70 notes, it is really important that you get them to give you all the fault codes that came up, and given that they should have cleared the old fault codes, if they cannot recall the codes that came up,and i mean there proper numbers ie P1025 ect you should insist that they replug her in for free and tell you all the codes that are coming up. Although I have to say an out of sync MAF sensor will not throw a code up, having all faults codes available is a start. Now mine had the exact same symptoms, and then got even worse just loading the throttle had it gioing into limb mode ie no power. We have a proper diagnostic system at work, that showed on a graph the maf merely cutting out under load. Basically all electrical sensors were cleaned as were the connectors.. problem of 2 years has disappeared, so your could be something just as stupid and cheap....... good luck
  4. Clearly you know that your car seems to be acting like it is in "limp home mode"? usually when nothing too obvious stands out, it turns out to be one of those ghastly sensors or a faulty dirty connector to it.
  5. The galaxy 115bhp 6 speed, falls into the 171-180 co2 grouping. so from next year it will be
  6. !You either know what the old man did, or you don't,and from what i am reading, you simple don't know much about tunning! talk about being a dick! "played with the ECU" you came on here and claimed huge bhp, gains by changing the air filter and a more freeflow exhaust, now your tune has changed alittle,which isn't surprising as you do not know much about it. As to the old man "may have played with the ECU! ". This isn't old timer tunning where you simply up the fuel on the pump and manually adjust the actuator on the turbo! To play with the ecu, you need speicalist equipement so you can talk to it and even more speicalist stuff to flash over the original maps! From what you have said so far,this is not the case,otherwise you would know about this costly equipement that is needed,and the still quite costly to buy maps. As to your last statement " cold start mode piggyback chips and more air",tottally wrong!, the idea of cold start is to give an engine more fuel! not air,as a diesel already burns with an excess of air anyway,That why these piggyback chips actually work in the first place, primative yes,but not all of them are just a cheap resistor.
  7. Sorry alick, something is a miss here.You do realise you have condridicked yourself!, you cannot get all that extra power without changing the fueling and upper the psi on your turbo. In otherwords a remap would have needed to have been done to get from 90 to 130bhp! and on a nice hot day,without a bigger intercooler[does the 90 bhp have one?] you will simply have a real nice very hot engine because its air mixture will be too hot and of a limiting capacity. In otherwords just as bad for the car as a badly done tunning box...
  8. Had a fiat that boiled over once, [stone through the rad] the temp sensor worked fine,but it didn't register the vehicle overheating till it was way too late,don't know why but was told because of where the leak was the sensor would only see a problem late. Now i assume you know that you have no leak,but check that the water is actually going around the whole system and that you pump and thermostat are fine. Have you topped her up lately? as an air blockage is also a possible problem,as is the fact that it could just be a electrical clitch.
  9. Hi - nope, afraid not Just tried again with keys in; position 1; position 2 and with car running - still no life in anything other than enough power it seems to light an LED!!!! Any other ideas, guys? Right. have you tried it in the front ciggy lighter? and does the ciggy lighter work ie does it heat up the ciggy lighter?Now if it heats up the ciggy lighter the curcuit is fine. Now try the ciggy lighter in the rear power adapters.Does it work? If so the problem is not with the car but the dvd players 12v adapter, or system.
  10. hello I can shed some light on this problem, the loss of power is caused by the boost pressure going over 2.2kpa, as soon as the pcm sees this over pressure situation it shuts down the power by reducing the fuel being delivered by the pump, so that no damage is done, on the early galaxy you can do a reset simply by shutting off the throttle and back on again, on the later model the ignition has to be switched off, it is caused by oil getting in to the pipes that control the boost via the n75 valve, the pipes are far too long and oil gets stuck in them which causes a resonance to build up, the boost pressure has to go from the turbo to the pcm , by the time it gets there and the pcm then respondes by activating the n75 valve the situation has gone critical and so you get a reduction in power, there are other factors that can cause this but this is the most common, the waste gate on the turbo has to be checked for sticking also. Now that could indeed shed light on the subject.... thanks f0ster
  11. Surely thats what you meant....... <_<
  12. And they complain that we drive too slow........ ;)
  13. Too near. le11- le12 ;)
  14. A certain poster,seems to think caravans hug the middle lane!.The original poster, is having a dig at that member. Can you guess which member it is? :)
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