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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    galaxy tdi
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  1. It`s just that as tdi`s get old they need to get to normal operating temp b 4 they can work properly underload,i thought me cam belt had snapped at first after i set off enthusiastically and limped for about 500 yds then it wheelspan and shot off like a rocket.
  2. there is alittle valve just inside the filler tank, when the pump trigger shuts off cos its full, depress the button and all the exeess air in the tank comes out thus you can then get more fuel in < in my case an extra tenner nearly. only do this though if after you have filled up you are gonna do a few miles first cos you will suffer overspill from ya tank,dunno howmany litres but it cost me 89 quid to fill er up, cos im gettin on a bit i drive frugally and smooth an cautious cos them french drivers r mad and suicidal!!!! ;)
  3. i like it , although when i go on my daughters desktop running xp it feels a bit odd with no sidebar n stuff!
  4. my gal is due soon and was a bit worried about this issue but i think im gonna go to my local vw dealer soon, youve just help make up my mind
  5. hello every 1 ,just a short note on my fuel consumption ,i have an 04 1.9 tdi zetec,27,000 in good nick, i filled up before i set off to disneyland paris in manchester using the "burping technique" and after 1,188 miles the fuel buzzer sounded on saturday morning whilst taking my daughter dancing,how chuffed am i!
  6. my vw polo 1.9 tdi started running rough, replaced maf sensor and a service and now it is like a new car,sorted
  7. can any 1help me ?i need the use of a vag com to find out why my 1.9 tdi engine is acting a bit like an sdi!the turbo just comese and goes when it wants and its doin me nut in. any offers in the manchester area will be greatly appreciated, get in touch with us @galaxytdi@fsmail.net cheers
  8. i used to have a 3.2 zakspeed capri! wot a beast,loves straight lines went sideways round most corners!
  9. mine did this thye other day and i thought o it is nothing ,been ok since
  10. mine didnt work when i bought me car so ford replaced,does the switch just beep then flash if so yep its goosed ya gonna NEED A NEW UN
  11. sorted been trying to find a solution to this problem 4 ages, mine just stopped all of a sudden .guess wot im doing in my lunch break tmoz :o
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