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    ford galaxy 1.9tdi zetec
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  1. I "think" 19 is the glowplug relay, I'll have to confirm that for you (if nobody else has) sometime next week though. That would be great I have removed it at the moment it is charging fine but I would like to know what it does I shall try and get a replacement asap as it is probably at fault. Thanks
  2. Does anyone know what relay marked 98 does on a 2001 X reg 1.9tdi zetec galaxy AUY engine code 115bhp. Its buzzing loudly and not charging the battery when I remove it the battery light goes out and the battery charges? It is positioned level 2 marked number 19 the manual says 19 is not used the relay says otherwise? Thank you
  3. Interesting thread I replaced my alternator after pulley failure and ran the car for a couple of months no problem the battery needed replacing as it was getting a bit lazy after fitting a new battery straight away loud bussing (relay) and battery light on and no charge to the battery now if you turn the ignition key quickly when starting the car the battery light goes out and the battery charges how strange is this ??
  4. No key fob is fine not touched it still lights up!
  5. No warnings that I am aware of the door LED is flashing very fast I put the ignition key in and turn it wont turn over if I then turn ignition off a go to start it turns over has anyone experianced this sort of problem after discoing the battery.
  6. I have removed some fuses from the fuse board and after replacing them I now find the car turns over but will not start also will not engage starter on first turn of key but requires a second turn of key to turn the engine over every thing else seems to work I can assume I removed a fuse that I should not have. How do I get her to fire up 2001 zetec 115 bhp Thanks for any advice
  7. Thanks for all the advice this forum is superb!
  8. Auxiliary heater on a 2001 1.9tdi Zetec Galaxy first winter I have had with the car started to make a jet turbine noise from the back as it got colder this stops when the car has warmed up. As far as I can tell this is the noise it should make but now it appears that a bonfire has been lit under the car as the little heater has an exhaust on it which now blows out large plumes of white smoke and drips diesel out of the exhaust chamber! My understanding is that this burns diesel to provide heat for the rear passengers some advice needed. 1. Can it be switched off or disconnected until I have time to repair it. 2. What is the most likely cause for the symptoms described could it be a faulty glow plug? 3. Why is diesel dripping out of it! (probably because its not been burnt) 4. It appears there are 2 water pipes entering the unit is this correct? Any advice appreciated. Thanks dave.
  9. Its a bit frustrating i am a new member in need of some technical help but I can not post anything any!
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