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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by normski

  1. Hi, just to update you all on my ford galaxy cam belt. Since the last time l posted about the cost, etc, l rang a local garage mechanic, explained the cambelt had snapped. He said he couldnt estimate the cost of repair until the cylinder head has been removed. He also said its more likely to be major damage. When he asked what make of engine it was, i told him its a vw1.9tdi, and his reply was thankgod its not the ford type, that makes a big difference to the job and cost. He said it would cost me between
  2. Hi, I broke down one day and waited for breakdown assistance. On their arrival the mechanic looked to see if i was getting fuel to the engine. He did at first but kept turning the engine over and it wouldnt start. He then took me to the recovery garage for another fitter to look at it as he didnt fancy driving me back home which was 150 miles, as the recovery truck was limited to 56mph. Anyway at the garage the fitter tried in vain to get fuel through the filter and hoses but no joy. He then thought the relays could be faulty. Still no joy, so he took off the fuel pipes to the injectors and turned the engine. No joy there.Then after what seemed like 2-3 hours later he decided to look under the cam belt cover. Then he said your cam belt has snapped. I was gutted. But i was more angry as they didnt spot the fault straight away.When i was driving, the engine just cut out and all i heard was a kind of "swishing" noise which i now know was the belt hitting the inside of the cam cover.Broke down at 3.00pm and arrived home at 10.30 pm. I have been told it would cost an arm and a leg to get repaired, between
  3. Hi, just read your post about automatic gear selector bulb. im having the same problem but cant download your pic for some reason. could you possibbly email how you did this. My email is normski1507@msn.com. Many thanks
  4. Hi lilbob, i have had the same problem with my galaxy 1.9tdi. The wiper linkage have a tendency to seize. The thing i did to correct this was to remove the wiper arms and the wiper linkage incl. motor. I then tried to manually move the linkage to see if it had seized which it had. You can remove 1 side of the linkage and clean the brass collar and pinion which rotate the wiper arms. Mine had oxidized bad enough for the wipers to stop working. After a good clean and greased ive had no problem . If you take it to a Garge they would tell you that you need a replacement and cost you a few hundred pounds and more. Good luck, hope ive answered your question.
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