I've got one of these they only came in the GHIA edition (09 plate), great car only criticism is the clutch is a bit fierce compared to the 2.0 tdci I did notice they weren
Hi I'm having similar problems with my 2.2TDCI the car is used every day and still struggles to turn over at times. It's just coming up to a year old; it's going into a dealer on Friday I'll let you know how I get on Richard
Hi mine does the same, jerky at light throttle most noticeable when trickling along in traffic my previous 2.0 TDCi was perfect in this respect, but otherwise it's a very good car It's been back to the local ford dealer who couldn
Jules Paynes of Hinkley, Leicestershire, also gave me a fantastic deal on the new car I went to several dealers and this was the PX price offered by them all but Paynes gave the best price on the new car but it was a stock car so had to take it as is Richard
Hi has anyone any information on how long tires last on the Mk III my car has done 15,000 and the front tires are near the end of their life and I have heard of someone replacing them at 17,000, so is it just the original tires are soft and the next hopefully will do better
Hi I'm new to this forum, I'm unable to view pictures when I try I get "you do not have permission to use this feature" I'm sure it's something simple but I can't find the problem Hope someone can solve the problem for me