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  1. sorry having troublew with the pc
  2. how do you know what is a good set of budget tyres. do you have any names
  3. HI all, thanks for all the help on my last post I have now completed hopfully, but my troubles have moved to the wipers I have read all the posts on the problem and found I had a frozen linkage fixed that and 2 months later find the control unit is not working. can anyone help in where to buy a new control unit or has onyone had one fixed
  4. thanks for all the suggestions so far I have tried, checked all vacuum pipes and replaced 2 just in case although I have found it difficult to obtain a detailed drawing of all the pipe connections but I think they are correct, serviced the car and replaced all filters, spray cleaned the turbo with boost, not sure how to check the boost control valve but the multimeter is reading 7v on tickover has anybody fitted a vacuum gauge in the wastegate vacuum pipe, my gut feeling is the turbo vanes are sticking but the other faults are confusing me. is it posible to check if the turbo vanes are sticking or can you move them by hand. thanks again I will clear the codes and try a few suggestions this weekend.
  5. hi can any one help, I have viewed a lot of topics on this type of problem and none of them seem to match the fault codes I have although I found the description of the codes on the seat site. 17957 P1549 Boost Pressure Contr.Valve Short to Ground 17958 P1550 Charge Pressure Deviation 17563 P1155 Manifold Abs.Pressure Sensor Circ. Short to B+ 16485 P0101 Mass or Volume Air Flow Circ Range/Performance can any one help me what to do next my first thought is to reset the codes and see if it was my testing of the circuit that caused them. I thought it was the boost control valve at first, then I found a section on carbon build up in the turbo so I have cleaned the inlet with a spray cleaner after the maff and air filter to see in the turbo was sticking, now I am not sure. a bit of history might help I bought the gal as a cat D and totally rewired the engine bay after a fire, I have run the car for 20k miles no problem other than it taken a long time to start when hot. the turbo recently stoped working intimitanly this hapened last year 2007 while on holiday just as I set off with the caravan in tow but a re-start cured it and it did not happen again but I have put this down to the fact I run the car for a long time over 6 hour journey and it cleaned the turbo out, normally my wife runs it on the school run only about 2miles each way. as of today the turbo keeps cutting out and needs resetting and the fuel usage is up. thanks for reading Sledge
  6. hi all just had a similar problem to some of the other posts brakes going off with a hard pedal, I found the problem fairly quickly it was the main vacuum pipe from the vacuum pump to the brake servo it had cracks on every joint. I have been ringing around for prices today ford parts 1019800 and 1049115 make up the pipe at
  7. Hi all I have now had my mk1 gal for about 3 years and no problems but in the last few weeks the fuel consumption has gone right up I am now returning about 35 to the gallon, dose anyone know where to start and look for the problem I have vagcom and will be plugging in this weekend. Ta Sledge
  8. HI you should have no problem removing the front bumper,radiator, air con rad, head lights, indicators and so on I have removed the engine subframe and suspension in one, the ony problems is you have to break the air con pipe work this will need refilling. for me the best place to start was to remove the indicators to get access to the front cover screws then remove the front cover be carefull it is cliped into the head lights then remove the headlights, bumper, drain all coolant, air con, power stearing, dissconnect the front pannel connecting pipework air intake, radiator, air con, power stearing, remove bonnet release cable dissconect cooling fan's, air temp sensor rad temp sensor check all is free you should be able to remove the fron main pannel
  9. HI I had the same problem on the ABS light, and it turned out to be a loose earth below air filter box, hope this helps
  10. Thanks from me, I have resolved the problem the ford radio has two connection on both + and - one of the earth's had not connected correctly. Thanks again :ph34r:
  11. Thanks for all the help I have tried all, multimeter battery nearly flat the thing worked fine before I changed it for a cd player, and no trying to refit it seems to be duff I think it's time for the hammer and crowbar. once again thanks for al the help.
  12. Hi Thanks for the reply I have had the multimeter on the back and power is there but no life, I have put the code in before and had to press some keys !. the Radio is in a 1999 Gal and is a rds2000. Thanks again :(
  13. hi can anyone help I am trying to put my radio code in but the display is completely dead I have a feeling you have to press something to start the process. Thanks
  14. sorry about clarity, I have been trying to rewire an engine bay an found difficulty finding a good diagram, model is v reg 2000 but still old shape the control unit is found just to the right of the bonnet catch screwed to the front pannel on a twin fan model, the control unit is coloured black/white has 3 plugs, two large and are wired the same with wiring red,black/red,red/black,red/white the smallest connection has four wires,I have 5 wires left. if possible I need the colour sequence and some orientation in relation to front or back of plug. Thanks
  15. HI if possible can anyone help I am looking for the wiring colours and sequence on a Ford Galaxy 1.9tdi 110bhp twin cooling fan model description/locaton : fan control relay mounted on the top of the front pannel (small connector details only)
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