Ivor, thanks for the advise. I has already had a look at the www.fordscorpio.co.uk website. For anyone else looking for details of connectors ets the link is http://fordscorpio.co.uk/radiomenu.htm Unfortunately in my case there is no details of the 2 connectors i have on the back of my 2006R model. There are details on the connectors of the 3000 through to 7000 models. I was interested in the following statement:- "In 9/95 the entire radio range changed, together with the wiring and the connectors and the separate amplifier was deleted. The entire Ford was standardised so that a unit could quickly be upgraded. The range commenced with the 3000 (not fitted to later Scorpios) through 4000 and 5000. The 6000 is a single-CD player/radio, while the 7000 is a radio/cassette with CD controller" My vehicle was registered in 1999 and was fitted with the 2006R model - must have been a case of using up old stock. This info. about the connectors does seem to fit in with the fact that a radio dealer told me that the wiring loom connectors on the 2006R model are the old Mr. Ford connectors where as the connectors on the 3000 range onwards are reffered to as the standard Connectors (Din standard i think) What does not ring true with this is the write-up on upgrading a 2006 model to a 7000 model, again on the Ford Scorpio site at http://www.fordscorpio.co.uk/2006upgrade.htm where it implies the connectors were the same on these two models. Maybe the 2006 and 2006R connections are different but i doubt it. Anyway when i get time to go down to Halford i am sure all will come clear - i will keep you posted. Finally, unfortunately for all galaxy owners like myself that have the 2006R model, i believe now that there is no option to fit a cd changer to this model, the lowest spec. model to beable to fit a cd changer to is the 2007 and be careful, not all of these can either. Axel