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Everything posted by Taygarth

  1. Ok lets see if we can make 36 pages!!!! Any one had this before - The heater stopped working and on VAG comm had "pump earth fault" - I put a temp supply from the battery to the pump and pulsed the supply after reseting the error codes and it fired up all the time I was pulsing it - I thought the ECU was fried and gave up, A hat, scarf and gloves are pretty cheap compared to a replacement heater! Then a few weeks later (without me resetting anything) it fired up - I thought, great it has healed itself, BUT it runs until the temp gauge is around 2/3 of normal and turns off. It fires when the engine is cold again and does the same - has been doing this for a couple of weeks. Any ideas as to why it cuts out - no more fault codes have appeared - is there a thermal protection? or could it be that as it heats up the ECU in the heater it trips out? 55 plate 130bhp
  2. Just jumping on this old thread - I now have a defunct aux heater - I have proved the heater works by supplying a temp pulse to the metering pump and the burner fires, so I am pretty sure it is the ECU. I have the classic pump earth fault on VAG Comm Anyone have usfull info on price / where to get a new ECU or any other low cost fixes / place to get a refurbished unit. I realise this is a well worn topic but you never know someone might have found the golden answer! Any info much appreciated
  3. Update james2038 - thanks for the reply - I decided to have a quick look underneath today and lucky I did, the off side outer CV joint was in a right state, with the amount of play in it I am supprised it had not failed already. So I had to do something in a hurry - I got two new shafts from Eurocarparts as the inner joint had play in it (probably from the wobble) and the other side had play as well. I used the 'megasave' code (thanks james2038) and that brought the price down to
  4. Hi I have the wobble under acceleration and am going to replace both drive shafts I have looked at old posts but things may have moved on - the prices vary by huge margins, from
  5. Hi all Pretty sure the DMF is the cause of the juddering on the galaxy I am going to takle the change out myself but would like some bits of info - 1. Does any one know the torque settings for the flywheel bolts and the clutch pressure plate 2. Do the flywheel bolts come undone/do up easily or does the flywheel have to be locked somehow 3. Is bleeding the clutch afterwards striaght forward. 4. I am going to support the engine on a jack/axial stand rather than from the top - anyone done this and was it OK Any other tips and trick or bits to watch out for would be much appreciated Any one bought the bits recently to save me doing the reserch on the cheapest place? Thanks in advance
  6. Hi I have the 130 TDI and there is a wobble on tick-over with the clutch up but when I put it down it goes away - I guess this is the DMF starting to wear? When you did your clutch / DMF was there anything to watch out for - I do not have a TIS and if I tackle the DMF I would be making it up as I go along. I guess you supported the engine on the axle stand whilst the gearbox was off?. How much of nearside suspension (if any) needs to be removed to give enough space to get the box out. And finally do I need a puller to get the flywheel off By the way 6hrs sounds impressive! Any tips from anyone would be appreciated Thanks in advance
  7. Hi I seem to recall that you will not be able to 'see' the fuse under the seat - if you run your hand along the seat runner you should feel the fuse
  8. Hi Probably warped front disks. I have had this a few times and replacing the front disks is not a difficult job, best to replace the pads at the same time. If you have ABS than make sure you crimp the brake hose to stop and fluid going back to the ABS unit when you push the caliper piston back in. If you are technical than you can get a DTI (clock gauge) and check the run out of the disk. If the outer edge of the disk has a significant 'lip' then they are due for replacement, there is a min thickness but I do not know this off hand
  9. Finally got round to doing the CV joint boot. Just thought I would add a note for anyone who does a search and finds this - Some advice - Listen to the learned people on this site and take the shaft out to do the work. I tried to do it insitu (ignoring others) It is almost impossible to do a good job with it in place and it is a piece of cake to remove. Second bit of advice - buy the proper manufacture part - I did not and had to play around to get it to seal. The part I got was not shaped to match the Inner joint to gearbox boss (the boss has scollops around the O.D.), this meant that it had gaps where the boot goes on the boss, I ended up cutting the old boot and using it to pack out the scollped areas to seal from contamination. Other than that a really easy job - cannot see how I was quoted
  10. When I do my fuel filter I pour the residue fuel from the old filter into the new one - just saves a bit of cranking and gives you somewhere to drain the old filter into
  11. Thanks for the comments; I think I will do it insitu Just got to get a bucket of enthusiasm!!!!
  12. Hi The inner drivers side CV joint gaiter is split on my 2005 130 PD - I have done various searches and some of you have done this. My question is does the shaft need to be removed from the car or can the inner spline drive bolts be removed at the gearbox end and the shaft droped at the gearbox end and the gaiter replaced by working under the car with the outer still assembled, even if the outer bottom ball joint, etc was dismantled to allow the shaft to be pulled outwards with the outer CV joint still in the hub to allow some clearance at the inner end flange would be preferable to dismantling it all. Anyone done it this way or is it esential to take the shaft off the car? Thanks Trevor
  13. Hi Sounds a bit like a noise that I have started to notice - difficult to describe a noise mine also makes the noise if I hold it in any gear and slowly increase the RPM - the noise then starts - it seems to be when a bit more pronounced when I take my foot of the gas. But is always there as I am changing gear. It has me baffeled - i have not heard a noise like it before and cannot tell specifically where it is coming from. Does the above sound like you noise? MK 2 130 TDi 2005 around 68000m same clutch flywheel etc
  14. There are many posts on the Aux heater. You should only hear the ticking noise when the heater is trying to ignight ie when the outside temp is cold enough (cant remember the outside temp but it is around 10 deg C) the ticking noise is the spark plug. I had the problem on my galaxy but it was a 1998 I changed the spark plug and the metering pump - the pump was under the rear off side wheel arch. You will probebly need to clear the fault codes before it will try to light as it will be shud down after around 5 failed ignitions
  15. So the car is now at it's service - Just had the call - cost for new CV joint
  16. I would imagine that Fords will want around
  17. Hi all I have booked the GAL in for a service 40,000 it is 2.5 years old 130bhp TD and I have had it from new. Just had a quick look round and noticed that the drivers side inner CV joint rubber boot has split. A friend of mine has the same car same age same mileage and has just had this boot replaced at the service - fords told him that it is not covered under warranty. Has anyone experianced the same - is this common at 40,000 miles - has anyone else managed to get this type of thing under warranty. Comments would be appreciated as amunition when I take it in tommorrow. Thanks
  18. oops! - just read the year of the car - I don't think they had the duel mass flywheel - but could still be a problem in the clutch / flywheel department?
  19. I am no expert but - Could it be anything to do with the duel mass flywheel? What happens if you dip the clutch at speed?
  20. I had this problem and did all the usual things with the brake switches - it turned out to be the black towing socket - one of the pins had moved back and was shorting onto another pin - changed the socket and all was well. If you have a towwing socket might be worth a look
  21. Insider It will definatly be going back to the dealer but thought I would like to be armed with some suggestions
  22. Morning all I have a strange noise from the Gal when starting from cold, the noise is a Wha Wha Wha noise and it can be felt as well. The noise stops when the the clutch is pressed or when the engine is reved. it goes away after a short time of driving. It does however appear to be gettin worse I have read about the dual mass flywhell problems. Anyone had a noise like this? The Gal is around 18 month old and has only done 26000 miles - TDI 1.9 Ghia manual
  23. I had the towing electrics fitted by a local trailer shop and all is well Charlie - you mentioned doing away with the warning buzzer and using the light on the dash - I had this with a Montego I had years ago I have MK 2 05 plate, I have looked closly at the dash and cannot see a trailer light, also no mention of it in the book. Where approximatly on the dash is the trailer repeater light - the audible repeater is very anoying and I would much prefer the dash option. Has anyone wired this up? if so any info would be appreciated.
  24. When I had this problem the glow plug light flashed and the display said engine workshop. The brake lights did various things like operating in reverse ie on when the brake pedel was not pushed - the high level light appeared to operate but was dimmer than usual. The fault was intermitant, somtimes dissapearing for weeks. As I said it was eventually traced to the black towing plug - one of the pins had pushed back and was shorting to another, I cannot recal which pins
  25. Hi Do you have a wiring for a towing plug - i had this problem and it turned out to be wires shorting in the towing loom
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