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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  1. Two years ago aircon died car only 2 years old and the pipes had fractured
  2. Ok i will try that. What does the sensor look like? Thanks for your help so far Any other ideas on what could cause this if it does not settle down?
  3. Hmmmmmmmmmm. Not good news then. So if the glow plug does not fix it is there anything else i can try short of replacing the whole unit. I thought the reason it smokes is because the glow plug is not igniting the fuel properly. What is the consiquence if i just disconect it.
  4. My Dads Ford Galaxy 2002 1.9tdi had an extream smoking problem in cold weather. From reading on here i think it is a problem with the aux heater glow plug this was confirmed by the garage. (Not Ford). The Garage said it would be aprox 1 hour labour and
  5. Hi All My dads Galaxy had a rattle comming from the engine at idle. After posting on here i decided that it was the alternator pulley. My dad took car to garage and told them what i thought it was. They decided i was talking crap and changed the tentioner. This made abit of difference but did not cure it. so my dad took it back. This time they said the new belt they had just put on was faulty and needed to be changed under warrenty they did this and for some reason the rattle did get abit better but did not go compleately. One week latter my mum was driving down the A40 big clatter and bang then power steering went RAC came out and said your Alternator pulley is missing and the alternator shaft is wrecked. They towed it back to the garage that did the work. The garage said they need to replace the whole alternator as the pulley is not avalible seperately and the shaft is damaged. they said they will replace it with Labour FOC but we have to pay for the parts
  6. Thanks for your advice you said kinda what i thought and hoped it may be. The smoke from the small exhaust can be really bad in big clouds so i am going to attemt the glowplug change. I have found one one ebay for
  7. Hi All My Dad has a 2002 1.9 TDi Auto with a bit of an intermitant smoking problem. From reading other threads i recon this smoke is caused by the Aux heater glow plug as the smoke is from the small exhaust by the N/S/R door. However my dad recently took it to the garage (not ford) for a service and in the service report it stated that there was oil leaking into the intercooler and the suspected cause was the turbo seals. The service guy the followed this with " thats gona be expensive it a bastard of a job". Now from what i understand if the turbo seals are leaking i would have expected to see smoke from the main exhaust. So my questions are. How can i check the turbo seals and intercooler and where are they located. If the turbo seals are shot is this somthing that can be done at home and has anyone done it. Is it possible that the smoke from the small exhaust is fom the turbo not the aux heater. If there is no obvious blue smoke from the main exhaust is it somthing that we need to worry about. Any help or advice would be much appreciated cos this car is costing a fortune and my dad is getting pretty fedup with it cos its just one thing after another. This weekends jobs are N/S/F top suspention mount and new front discs and pads, by tghe way does anyone know if i will need any special tools for these to jobs. Thanks. Joe. :-)
  8. Thanks for all your help. This is a great froum
  9. Hi all. My dad has a 2002 galaxy 1.9tdi. he recently had the aux heater problem with smoke belowing out but then this cleared up by its self. Then what looks like the glowplug light (yellow corkscrew) on the dash decided it was going to come on after the engine was started and stay on and the display said somthing like Engine Warning. He also had a problem with his brakelights on perminantly so he brought it round for me to look at. I have purchaced one of the vag com thing on ebay but it has not arrived yet to diagnose the dash light, but when i was sorting out the brake lights it turned out that my dad changed a brake light bulb and had put a single filament bulb instead of the twin filament. This sorted out the brake light problem but also the dash light. Would a wrong bulb bring up the this coil light and and engine warning? or is the fact it has now gone off just a coincidednce. Thanks. Joe.
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