Hi All My Dad has a 2002 1.9 TDi Auto with a bit of an intermitant smoking problem. From reading other threads i recon this smoke is caused by the Aux heater glow plug as the smoke is from the small exhaust by the N/S/R door. However my dad recently took it to the garage (not ford) for a service and in the service report it stated that there was oil leaking into the intercooler and the suspected cause was the turbo seals. The service guy the followed this with " thats gona be expensive it a bastard of a job". Now from what i understand if the turbo seals are leaking i would have expected to see smoke from the main exhaust. So my questions are. How can i check the turbo seals and intercooler and where are they located. If the turbo seals are shot is this somthing that can be done at home and has anyone done it. Is it possible that the smoke from the small exhaust is fom the turbo not the aux heater. If there is no obvious blue smoke from the main exhaust is it somthing that we need to worry about. Any help or advice would be much appreciated cos this car is costing a fortune and my dad is getting pretty fedup with it cos its just one thing after another. This weekends jobs are N/S/F top suspention mount and new front discs and pads, by tghe way does anyone know if i will need any special tools for these to jobs. Thanks. Joe. :-)