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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

Big Tyke

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Everything posted by Big Tyke

  1. nhawan i do about the same amount and type of mileage as you but my mpg is around the 35/40 to the gallon. alot depends on the condition of the engine and the car itself. if regulary serviced and not abused (usually by previous owners) in the way you drive, the tyres at the right pressure, the list can go on and on. follow some of the other suggested ways to check your actual mpg and see what the final figures are. best of luck
  2. thanks for the part numbers. I guess when i rang VW they thought they could make a quick killing or may be it was just a bad time and day to ask for something.
  3. Great job. Have been thinking of fitting a cover for a while but was a bit weary of cutting the panels. I also rang Frauds and VW for a price of the brackets. Others beware: Frauds
  4. forget the kids, leave them at home!!!!!! Disneyland is for us even bigger kids, been to both studio and main park. the studio is only a half day but 2 new rides for this year. the main park was fantastic but you really should get there for it opening. as said it does fill up very quickly. One thing we noticed was that europeans have a longer dinnertime than us so use it to your advantage. they tend to have dinner from 12 ish til 2 so head for the more popular rides then. try not to be the typical brit when it comes to queuing they (Europeans) didn`t like to stand and wait like us so think nothing of wandering into a queue let them know it`s not done to push in. the priority tickets memtioned are great get them at every chance you can. but all in all go back to your childhood and enjoy yourself
  5. without taking a look under the car you will never be sure what is wrong!!!! If it is a snapped spring then by rights you should change both at the same time. but i am sure there are many on this forum that would tell you different. Me included. I had a spring snap on my BMW but only changed one. when the new one was fitted it was level on both sides and had no detrimental effects on the driving. maybe someone with more knowledge will give you other advice but your gal is leaning a bit too much for me to want to drive it.
  6. Yes digit 9 is a S. Off the garage tonight so I guess i will find out for definate which kit i need. thanks for everything you have added
  7. Oh well not that unique then. there goes the villa in the sun.
  8. well that said do you think it is unique and worth a fortune on e-bay? lol does anyone know where i would get a full breakdown of its history? thanks for the info anyway Andy.
  9. Cheers for that Andy from what you have pointed out then I must have a 90 (AHU). Mine was first reg'd 2/97. the 2 letters then number are WF0 (zero) and twelth is as you said a T but thirteen is a L. or that is what it looks like to me.
  10. with my impending cambelt change, i booked it into the local garage who is a friend of a friend (best type by far) i was asked which engine i had. the engine code did not point to either 90bhp or 110bhp. as there are two different cam belt kits. i have been through other posts and thought i had it sussed until i got in touch with the local fraud dealer.to cut it short Frauds have no idea which engine i have. they only said they have on their system 1.9 N mid range diesel. my docs state 1.9 TDi GLX. My query is: is it a TDi? am i assuming correctly it is a 90bhp? and what is a N mid range? new to galaxy and not as knowledgeable as many on here but would like to let the garage have enough info to order the right cam belt. Cheers for any help, all.
  11. "other way round, changed from I/R to radio" sorry wolfie my mistake
  12. chears for the reply keith yes i have the two black domes front and rear. wondered what they were before i found this forum. i understand that the keys changed to infra red later. how much would you want for the keys cheers
  13. Hi All. could anyone tell me if the 2 button remote keys for the Ahlambra and Sharan are the same as the Galaxy. I have seen a couple of keys on E-bay with the following codes, they need blank blades but thought it would be cheaper than getting the complete key from frauds. 433.92 Mhz 5WK4 790/97/98/ and wondered if they would work on my 97 TDi after they have been reprogrammed. when i bought the gal i only got one key and knowing my luck that will be lost or snapped. thanks in advance for any help
  14. sure there is some goverment agency monitoring all this and totting up all the cost saving examples you have found. eventhough we all know what saves money we don't all always let on, or them in high places will slap another tax on top of all the hiden taxes us motorists already pay.
  15. Many thanks. One more thing I have just noticed is that the pre heater coil on the dash lights up for a few seconds as the engine fires on restart. would this help anyone point to the main culprit? thanks again to everyone who has added input to my problem.
  16. Relay 30 has been mentioned on the site many times as being troublesome, but can you remember which one you had changed? thanks for the pointer it cut out again tonight when i was about to reverse. this time it took quite a while and 4 turns of the ignition. i will be very busy this weekend by the sounds of it. at least the missus cannot complain when i do not do all the odd jobs i have been promising to do. cheers
  17. Thanks for the welcome NikpV. I have been checking this forum out for a few days and glad I found it. As for my problem there are no circumstances that stand out , the gal was just coming up to temp and driving was around 30ish. Battery light came on and all power was lost. had to wait a few seconds before turning ignition then after it cranked 7 or 8 times fired up. the battery does not seem to be drained more than enough power to engaged the starter. As i have said i have checked other threads but as I am new to deisels I'm a bit lost.
  18. My 'P' reg 1.9 tdi gal has started to cut out for no apparent reason. Everything is fine then a total loss of power. It has done this 3 times in the last couple of days and it is not bothered where it happens. I have looked up other threads on this problem but am not sure if any of the given reasons are my problem, this is my first diesel and could do with some advice. Many thanks in advance.
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