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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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About rudders

  • Birthday 03/26/1971

Profile Fields

  • Vehicle Type
    2.3 ghia x
  • Vehicle Model
  • Region
    South East

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  • Gender
  • Location
    ipswich , suffolk

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Member (2/8)



  1. Cheers big_kev i can now sort it out now i know i have just got to take the headlight out. cheers again buddy
  2. Hi guys and i reckon you get bored off this as it always come up. I have now got a galaxy 2.3 ghia 02 plate and the cruise don't work, got new pedal switch's and still nothing, is the 2.3 done by vacum or wire. My R plate 2.3 was vacum and i did that the pipe had spilt coming off the pump as normal but if my 02 is vacum where is the pump ? It is just handy sometimes as i do do alot of motorway miles and am lazy lol. Cheers guys
  3. I got them from a link from this forum mk2vr6, it is a company called carismastyle (www.carismastyle.co.uk). There is a few people on here which has got them from this company.
  4. Tryed WD40 seatkid and that's no good, i kept spraying it for a couple of days before i tryed to take them off. The only thing for it is to clamp the springs and the get the old grinder and cut the shaft of the shock. I am not worried about them being black but i just thought that g max are all red and they usually say on the shock G MAX MOTORSPORT but they don't say that, i was just wondering if they are genuine, it is most probably me being a idiot :lol: I rang up wilco to see how much 2 shocks would be and they have 2 listed, gas and fluid. How can i tell unless they leak.
  5. Hi guys, i ordered a set of g max 50mm for my galaxy 3 weeks ago and they have just now come. The thing is, is that they are black and i thought that g max are always red. Has anyone else had black ones? I have not fitted them yet because i need 2 new shocks as the top nuts are well and truely rusted and now i have got to cut the shocks off, WHAT A PAIN
  6. Cheers for that Deanoecosse just wot i hoping to hear, gal look so different when they have got some nice wheels on and lowered, nice motor fella
  7. Hi, i have brought some new 18' alloy's and have put them on and i now need to lower the gal. I have been looking on here and some people have lower it by 50mm on Gmax springs on just wondered if anyone has had any problems lowering by 50mm on just springs. I was going to get some spax which lower's it by 35mm but there is a big old gap at the mo and 50mm would be better but they say if you go lower than 40mm you should use shortened dampers. Any advise would be superb guys cheers.
  8. i am a member at www.vvoc.com (vauxhall vectra owners club) as i had one before i got a galaxy. It's a really good forum.
  9. Hi all, has anyone had the same problem please ? i renewed the batterys in my key fob and had to resynchronise it after. I have done this before when i got my gal because it did not work and i didn't have any prob's. The key fob done it ok and it works when you lock it but it will not unlock it :lol: ? i did it again and the same has happened. Anyone got any ideas please
  10. Hi mikej , i have the mk1 2.3 ghia x , You are a diamond i shall do that with the starting motor fella. The starting motor did realesed on startup but after about 10 mins of driving it did it, i will it the aircon compressor checked out just in case it is starting to siez because that is a possability aswell. Cheers for that mate you have been a big help . :(
  11. Cheers for that tim-spam :(
  12. That's what i was trying to find out, what are the specified interval for getting a chain replaced. They should out live the car or is that not right tim-spam ?
  13. Hi , i have a strange noise when i start up, it sounds like the starting motor is not disengaging this will happen 8 out of 10 times , but it sometimes happen when you are driving aswell which then i thought it was the auxiliary belt so i got a genuine one but it's still no good. Would it be the starting motor if this is happening as i was driving, this has only happened twice and it last's for about 15 sec. Could it be a dry pulley or something? I was going to buy a new starting motor but it was
  14. Cheers for that all, at least i have not got to worry about that at the moment, and with doing only 5k a year it should last me for a long while. :blink:
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