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Everything posted by Wasphouse

  1. Hmmmm... Just like buses - none - then three come along all at once!! Seem to be a lot of these failures all of a sudden! Oh well :D
  2. Thanks TIm - I fully intend looking at all options rather than pay ford more than I have to! I'll let you all know what transpires.
  3. Thanks Vr6 that confirms a couple of opinions I've had - I can't even look at it now until Friday or Saturday but when I do I'll post pics for reference. Thanks again
  4. Anybody? I still am not sure what is wrong - Is it possible the half shaft had sheared off in the final drive splines? I can't seem to find any of the cv's broken or rattling etc? Thanks
  5. Any ideas? Do I pull out the half shaft - and If I do what then? I know SeatKid - buy a new car :blink: But if I want to fix this one (and I do!!)?
  6. Thanks John But my problem is that I can't see anything that resembles a CV joint - You have the intermediate bearing then the shaft seems to go straight into the diff housing - there are no joints or flanges with bolts in. If you lookon the picture - where the shaft goes into the diff - there is a gold coloured bit - that turns but the shaft doesn't. By the way this is a 2001/2 Mk2 Diesel
  7. Right, I have the car on axle stands - I can't seem to get any movement that suggests any fault - but - if I run the engine put it into gear with the brakes on the right hand flange at the end of the drive shaft where it enters the gearbox/diff housing turns but the shaft doesn't. Does this mean a more serious problem than just CV or am I looking at the wrong thing?
  8. Can I quote you on that? :blink:
  9. Symptoms match mine exactly - I'll let you know what I find tomorrow. Good luck with yours.
  10. Which would you bet - Inner or outer?
  11. I hope you're right! as it sounds expensive. I have had a quick look but can't find anything obvious. I'll wait until the morning then put it up on stands and get the engine tray off. I'm hoping it is a CV and nothing else!!!
  12. Well you'll be glad to know neither of you was right!! Coming home tonight from a trip to aldershot I was waiting at a junction to turn right, I let out the clutch - and......grinding crunching noise and the car he no go forwards!! :) The clutch feels fine the engine works fine but I have no drive (it's a manual!). It's either CV or gearbox - I haven't had a chance to look at it yet - Just had it lifted and brought home. Get your thinking caps on!!! :ph34r:
  13. I have dual air con on my Mk2 and yes it does give a warning at 4 c - it has a bonging noise and the discplay flashes with a snowflake.
  14. Its very likely to be the drop links. Its supposed to be an easy swap as they are not under tension. Try getting someone to rock the Gal violently left to right while you are holding the link. See if you can feel anything. You can get them from quite a few people on ebay for about 20 quid. John Thanks John - No it's not the drop links I've done them twice before and it's completely different - It feels like either engine mountings or the stabiliser. I'll have another look but probabvly just replace the bloody thing anyway - after all 100K miles is not to be sneezed at!
  15. Didn't think of that! Anyway I put the link in an edited post - but you beat me to it!
  16. Does anyone have an experience of the stabiliser on the MK2? I get a definites bump or clunk when pulling away or taking the gas off when decellerating - Yet once I take off the engine under shield the bar seems fine.I can't seem to move the engine by rocking it by hand so am not sure what else it could be. On the Mk2 the stabiliser is different to the MK1 - so is it worth looking at renewing the bushes or is it a complete replacement like the Mk1? it's a 2002 Mk2 Dlesel with around 100K miles on the clock.
  17. Here is Ivor' pictorial version - it's better by far than the Haynes Manual!! http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...indpost&p=33255
  18. Not my pics nor my pumpkins but they are topical!
  19. Yes but are they doing anything for Halloween? :D
  20. Hey! This is meant ot be jokey - No one actually watches Everton!!! ;) ;)
  21. HPE polishes the toenails of Elephants whilst washing his smalls in the bath. Greg 68 is really Hilda Ogden looking for her Stanley. mumof4 likes nothing better than a cold shower in the mornings - So she has a hot one. Gooner likes to lick the underside of pigs tails as he believes it helps his hair to grow back.
  22. Coz I'm too stoned to light up!!! ;)
  23. I find Heroin keeps me off the fags :lol: :lol: :lol:
  24. It's multi lingual and does run in XP - You can choose the language in set up. I too am having problems - My PC went belly up and I decided to load Elsawin on my new machine. I have now tried to load it on two different machines - but it has an error message that says something about the wrong version of Acrobat reader - but won't load it's own version. It worked fine before - the discs are fine any ideas? My machine has XP on.
  25. Has anyone tried changing valve stem seals on a PD engine in situ? Got one that has around 102k on the clock runs fine but when accellerating hard it chucks out a bit of smoke and I was thinking it may be the valve stem seals. I think they can be changed without removing the head - The camshaft looks like ity has to come off but that's all. Any advice?
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