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    Alhambra 2.0TDI Reference + Sports Pack
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    Horley, Surrey

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  1. John, I've got no chance of remembering the sizes of the sockets, struggle to remember yesterdays dinner :blink: but you are very correct in saying they are hard to undo. I seem to remember having to create greater leverage to get the blasted things to turn.
  2. Very easy. Did my pads a couple of months ago but I have not changed the disc's. You will need the caliper winding tool in order to do push back the winding caliper piston. It's simply a case of taking the wheel off. Un-do the 2 bolts that hold the caliper in place, work the caliper off the disc, take the pads out, use the winding tool to push back the piston. Take the disc off (this bit I didn't do but if it's like the front there should be a retaining bolt/screw that holds it in place, un-do this and take the disc off) Then do everything in reverse to put it back together, except you won't need to use the winding tool again. I know these instructions are a little basic but it is a very easy job with the right tools.
  3. I think the only thing you will find are the tis cd rom's that you can get via a very popular auction website. But, if you do manage to find one, could you let the rest of us know :unsure:
  4. Hi all, This is a subject that I have had to deal with in the last couple of weeks. On the M25 near J9 I was doing around 70mph when my windscreen just disappeared behind a wall of mist ;) . Changing the heater/blowersettings made no difference and switching on the heated windscreen did nothing to help. I had to find a cloth pretty quickly just to get my vision of the road back. After searching out posts on here and a couple of other websites I have found the reasons why that happened to me. My gal has always had a small problem getting rid of moisture but never has it placed me in that kind of danger before. I read that the air-con will turn off at low temperatures and it turns out that it does indeed switch off when the outside temperature drops below 5c, but the light on the switch does not go out. Basically the moisture that had been collected by the air-con system was now being released back in to my car and the only way this was going to be cleared was by fresh air getting in to the car. The heating/blower system was clearly not providing enough fresh air to do the job so the window had to be opened. I found a few different reasons behind what can cause moisture build up in the car and so I followed all the pieces of advice and it seems to have done the trick. 1 Change the pollen filter (i bought a pattern part one which was just a little bit thinner than the ford one, as a result the air flows through it better) 2 Make sure no water is getting in where it shouldn't, ie (2a) Clear drain scuttles (2b) If rear wiper/washer jet does not work check wiper hose has not come apart under passenger side door/footwell trim (2c) Check coolant level. If this is leaking there is a small chance it could be leaking in to the heater matrix. Put some rad-weld in to the coolant system (2d) Check rubber door seals for splitting 3 Make sure the inside of all your windows are nice and clean, dirty windows mist up quicker than clean ones, apparently! :unsure: Since doing all this I have not seen any mist whatsoever and my blower system is 2 times more powerful than it was and does not sound likes it is struggling anymore. Sorry to waffle on, but if this helps anyone then thats great. ;) Cheers
  5. Hi, It's been a while since I have posted on here, been a busy old year and as luck would have things have been running smoothly with the gal. Until now that is. Luckily it's only a small problem though. The problem is both my front side lights are very dim. I changed both of them less than two months ago as both had blown. After changing them they both where nice and bright. Not sure when the dim-ness came about, only noticed it last night. If anyone can point me in the right direction I would be very grateful. Thanks.
  6. Yeah I get exactly the same thing. It only seems to happen first thing. After the car has been running a short while it stops.
  7. Signed. I can't think of a worse idea than being charged per mile on top of paying for fuel as well, which funnily enough, the more you drive, the more fuel you pay for, the more tax the government gets anyway. I am quite concerned that this could be fairly bad for my business. I drive about sixty five thousand miles, in the chauffeur industry, which costs me around
  8. Hi Guys, In computer active magazine it reckons the law is changing on the 16th of december. It also says that to their knowledge no one has ever been prosocuted under this law anyway. I bought the belkin one the other week and it works a treat.
  9. I get exactly the same thing. First thought it was a passenger that had been messing about with the window and had not wound it back up properly, but it's been happening to often to have been that. Might be a "ford" problem cos i seem to remember it happening on and old escort or xr2 that i owned years ago. I recall that the handles, when wound up, were pointing upwards, so i took them off and replaced them in the downwards position. Trouble is i can't remember whether it solved the problem or not. :rolleyes:
  10. Well I'm glad to say mine fired up fine this morning :) Was getting a bit worried by it not making an appearance over the last few days but it obviously thought it was not cold enough yet. Having said that, without having seen this thread I would have been one of those wondering what on earth that jet engine sound was and where it was coming from as I am very new to the galaxy. :angry:
  11. I have had a problem with this very thing aswell. To date I have had my Gal for four days and on day two, when I took it on the motorway for the first time, I noticed a noise like a windy whistle noise. At a steady speed above 50mph or so the noise would be there more often than not and would get louder and quieter according to the actual wind hitting the car. I think I have solved my problem. I noticed the passenger side rubber seal on the windscreen was out of place and had slightly twisted itself down near to the bonnet. So naturally I got hold of the thing untwisted it and fixed it back into place. Took it for a high speed spin and the wind/whistle noise no longer seems to be there. Sometimes these things seem to be so simple to solve but it's just the luck of spotting it in the first place. I mean I could have gone on for months with this problem without seeing it. Maybe i was just lucky. Hope that if anyone else has similar noises that the fix for it is this easy.
  12. Wow!!! What a welcome. Thanks to all. :ph34r: Got my Galaxy yesterday lunchtime and have to say I'm well pleased with it. Already have a couple of questions to ask so i'll head off to other areas of this site to get them answered. Thanks again!!! :ph34r: :D :D
  13. Hi All, Amazing what you can find on the net. This site has answered some of my questions before i have even taken delivery of my galaxy. I'll be clocking up the miles in mine very quickly. In my line of work as a chauffeur i do around 1200 miles per week, so if i have any problems along the way i already know where i shall turn to find some, if not all the answers i will need. For the last seven years i have driven vauxhall omega's which have all given great service. I hope the galaxy will be as good to me if not better.
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