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burky 4x4

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  1. Hi - Can anyone point me to an idiots guide as to where to go from here. Cruise control recently stopped functioning. Had the pump off, pump runs on bench, & vac solenoid releases, no problem with hose. Putting the pump back and plugging it in shows no power to pump with ign on and cruis "On" No noises on tryin to actuate over 30mph I can't find a fuse inthe manual nor in the box been thru every one Any ideas?
  2. Did you find the problem, I am at the same stage. Pump and hose OK, good vac and release. Richard (Spinkhill Derbys) 2.8 V6 Auto 4x4 '99 122k
  3. When refitting CC pump (after bench test or replacement )in the wing void, its loads easier if - you pull out any remaining rubber "pegs" from the inner wing (and the pump base plate) - lubricate them all over with washing up liquid - refit them to the holes in the inner wing - connect cable and hose the pump BEFORE inserting it into the wingvoid (esp. if you have cut back a split hose) - put the pump base plate over the rubber pegs and push/wiggle the plate onto the pegs. Shouldn't need to pull em thru with WUL on em. - no knuckle injuries, blood pressure but my CC still don't work. Richard
  4. thanks for the explanation - must have been confusion with Mk2
  5. Ride quality is good, I prefer them to the previous 215/55R16 which were hard ! even though I run these (winter) Nokian 195/65's at high pressure (44) Some surfaces are a little noisy, and I get a little slide / understeer on hard corners. Circumference is similar - 1.3% (Michelin recommended this size as alternative for 215/55R16 Galaxy in their Alpine tyre for this very reason, and it is also a homologated size on the lower spec Galaxies so I have no worries with the spec.) Obviously must respect load index (95 in my case) and speed rating or place an exception sticker on dash for T versus H on winter tyres only.
  6. Just had my clockspring replaced on 99 2.8 V6 as airbag light was permanently on and system disabled as a result. C/spring Part costs about
  7. Further to my last post ref changing 16 to 15" wheels, though i'd let anyone interested know about Nokian 195/65R15XL95T Winter (All Weather Plus) Tyres on very special offer at www.mytyres.co.uk They are clearing 2004 a manufactured batch at just
  8. Contrary to suggestions as to risk of fouling on brakes, I have successfully replaced 16" alloys on my 2.8V6 Auto 4x4 with 15" Alloys (off a 2.8 Mk1 SI). Am now running on 195/65 R15 95XL half price tyres (
  9. Sounds like a bargain at this price. Let me know where? Kwik fit price
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