Hello, What a great forum, so much talent out there! Anyway, when the engine starts to get hot, arount the "M" of NORM, (usually gets this hot if sitting in traffic) the engine starts to sputter and if I don't put it in neutral and coax some revs it stalls. When I get it restarted, it's like there was a vaccum block or something blocking the engine's power, the revs pick up and we're off again. If the temp is below this level, I have 0 problems with engine function. Starts and runs well once warmed up. (will stall if not wamed up for about a minute) It's got 70,000 KM, fuel pressure is fine, air filter is fine. Thoughts: Cat Converter blocked (evident especially when hot) Air flow meter not adjusting to hotter temp ????? '98 Galaxy 2.3 16V Thanks!