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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by thunder2

  1. Hi all, Pesky kids tried opening my boot with a screwdriver and have messed it up. It's not opening with the central locking and now I can't open it at all. I took it to my garage (not Frauds), but they couldn't open it either. The only time I've got it open is when I take it to the jet wash guys. It seems to open for them but I reckon that's because water's getting in somewhere and releasing the switch (???) The kids also screwdrivered my doors too so instead of buying new locks, I spent
  2. Recently, my driver's window went down but didn't come up. I can still hear the motor going up and down but the window just stays at the bottom. Autoglass have fitted a perspex sheet and said they couldn't help as the window's ok but the mechanism's wrong. Took it to a garage and have been told that the cable on the motor is broken and a new motor will cost about
  3. 1996 Galaxy 2.9 GLX. Kids tried breaking into the Driver side so that lock's dead. Boot barrel just goes round and round and remains locked now. @:rolleyes:( Also, passenger rear door central locking doesn't work. Just called the Fraud Dealers and was told that a new lock set for a Galasxy would be about
  4. The ABS light came on in my 1996 2.8 v6 Galaxy a couple of weeks ago and it's now due for MOT so I had to find out what the problem was or it'll fail Braking's been fine but the light stays on Got it plugged into a machine (took 3 minutes, cost
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