Aren't VW's on variable service interval? 'Normal' driving apparently results in approx 15,000 mile service interval?? Ford ones are on fixed 10,000 miles - I believe there is a setting on VAG.COM to control the interval. I increased the servie interval on mine to 15,000 miles after 80,000 miles. Didn't notice any fall-off in performance or fuel efficiency.
Gertie Galaxy has gone! Yesterday I traded her in and she's apparently off to British Car Auctions in Preston... She doesn't look too bad really (see pic at bottom!), but she needs
Like other posters have said, have you tried push starting it yet??? I always wash engines with the engine running and warmed up. Never killed anything yet that way, even with a pressure washer!
I'm still here, JUST...Galaxy is going this week!! 112,000 miles in 3 years 9 months. 1. Real name: Iain 2. Location: Carlisle 3. Type of car: Galaxy Ghia TDI 115 in Machine Silver on a '53' plate. Belgian import with multifunction steering wheel. Previously had a 'P' reg 2.8 V6 GLX in metallic blue. 4. How long have you had a Galaxy: This one, 3 years 9 months. Previous one about 12 months. 5. Would you have another: Yes, ALMOST bought a new 2.0 TDCi Zetec on Saturday, but went for an X-Trail instead... 6. How much do you think you/warranty have spent on repairs: Warranty: about
Hello you lot! I haven't been around for a while as I've been really busy, but... The time has come for the old Gal to move on to pastures new, after being 'mine' for nearly 4 years and 112,000 miles! So, off we went this morning to her place of birth, that place of worship known as Motorpoint, to reduce the long-list down to a short-list and hopefully make a decision and order a new car whilst we were there. A new Galaxy wasn't high on the list, although I did have a good look at a brand new 2.0TDCi Zetec in 'Tonic' (or was it 'Stardust') for
Couldn't tell you... Mine turned into a litany of problems when it went into Fraud Stealer. Eventually returned to me 3 weeks later with new CV Joint, new Flywheel, new exhaust F + R (it needed this for MOT), new flywheel sensor, recharged aircon (as they took the engine out), replaced power steeering fluid and various minor other bits. I was charged