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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

homer j simpson

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About homer j simpson

  • Birthday 01/25/1967

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    galaxy 115ps 2002.

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  1. been told that it could be the air con pump bearings worn. do you think this is possible.
  2. hi guys the old gal has developed a whining noise which seems to be coming from the front offside side. it is engine speed related so if you dip the clutch it will still be present with the engine rotation had a new alternator fitted about one month ago after the bearings collapsed. 52 plate 1.9 tdi 115ps mileage 90.000 always serviced. need to find out what you guys think before i take it to the main dealer.
  3. thanks for that gaznlou. will be ordering tonight. :)
  4. do we still get any discount from Mytyres if so how do you go about getting the discount please. homer
  5. Hi i need help(not in that kind of way). i have removed the aux heater and removed the glow plug from the unit and tried to get a replacement from fords and they tell me that the part they gave me is the one for the car but it is completely different from what is already fitted. we have tried matching up the reg of the car and numbers but it still keeps coming up with the same part nos. can anybody help as they say that unless we can match up the part it looks like a whole new unit, over
  6. thanks for all your help very much need advice. have been looking at all the posts on aux heater some very informative post. Thanks once again. :wacko:
  7. yes it did sound like a jet engine starting up. it was really pushing the smoke out so it sounds like it must be working. but should it be sending out this blue smoke.
  8. no it is not that clear i would say more blue then anything else
  9. yes i think this could be what i saw a lot of smoke coming out of yesterday morning, it looked like the rear of the car was on fire but it wasn't. should it smoke like this .
  10. does anybody know what it is called that is under the car that is located to the nearside passanger seat. It is silver with two pipes that run towards the front of the car and then intoa box that is under the car under the passanger seat, then with one pipe that runs towards the back of the car this looks like a extra exhaust pipe, help please. ;)
  11. hi just come back from a service at our local VW dealer and asked them to look at ours as it has the same clunking noise. they had the car on the ramps when i went to collect, they showed me the cause of our noise which is a worn driveshaft offside, also found two split cv boots and a oil leak all on a 52 plate. the bill will be
  12. just checked the part and there is some movement only very limited travel but still enough to cause the knocking. i will have to take atrip to ford and see how much they want. thanks for the info ;) Can't get enough of that wonderfulDuff bear. :angry:
  13. have 2 avons fitted on Tuesday 15 may by etyres
  14. has anyone had what i am having at the moment, everytime we go over a bump we hear a knocking coming from what sounds like the front wheels noticed that the front nearside tyre has worn down on the outer edge has this been because of the knocking or is it something else. :angry:
  15. the tailgate does close alright if i leave the window open just abit, just got to open one of the doors to help in future. thanks for the info. Homer :)
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