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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    1998 2.0l ford galaxy

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  1. Thanks for that advice i'll concidor that option just might need a good service and a few other things. Thanks
  2. Hi all, I have a 2.0i glx galaxy done 140000+ mile now she getting a little tired, I am concidering changing the engine and box over. What other ford engine would fit the same as the original a deisel one anyway and advice would be grateful. Thanks John
  3. Is the lambda sensor a 4pin connector on the 2.0 galaxy? Thanks Big_Ralge
  4. Thnx for that, not sure if thwy have a distributors or points i'll try the leads 2moz early am and hope that solves the problem. Cheers
  5. LOL no i haven't emissions are a little poor.
  6. Hi all my galaxy started to run on 3 cylinders the other day so i changed the plugs ht lead and tested the coils, run great for 10 mins then back to 3 cylinders please please has anyone any ideas on why it's doing this and how it can be sorted i don't fancy paying garage prices if i can help it. Many Thanks John! :lol:
  7. Hi all has anyone any pics of where the lambda sensor is and how to remove it. Thnx John
  8. Hi all yesterday my wipers were ok then today went out in car started raining and they would not work, Has anyone got ant sugestions are there any relay fuses that might have blown and how can I check them out. Thanks John :o
  9. Hi, My brake pad need replacing all round can any tell me is it a difficult job to do, and has anyone got any step by step instructions on how to change them. I have a 1998 2.0l glx galaxy. Cheers John
  10. Hi all it may seem like a daft question but, I am getting a 2.0l glx gal. this weekend would it have a multi changer lead already in it in the rear boot space somewhere. Thanks John
  11. Hey Thanks to all of you that have replyed i'll look at all the options when the car gets delivered next week. John ;)
  12. Hi all I am new to the forum, I am looking at buying a 1998 2.0 glx ford galaxy from a salvage company. I went to have a look at the car today and really good condition stolen recovered with keys, when I started the engine after about 1min a little red light startrd flashing above the temperature gauge does anyone know what this light means apart from over heating but it shouldn't over heat after one minute of running should it. :blink: Thanks John
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