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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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About Tazbandit

  • Birthday 09/18/1962

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  • Vehicle Type
    galaxy 1.9 tdi zetec 05
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  • Region
    East Midlands

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    well what can i say, life is to short so i will never grow up .... mad and stoopid till the end. im motorcycles mad

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Member (2/8)



  1. well as winter comes sods law so do the bills. thought battery had died on car but halfords checked it today and seems battery is fine so thats points to the alternator me thinks. thought it was battery as when you turn key nothing but jump start from another car and fires straight up. question is anyone know is ford galaxy 05 plate 1.9 diesel zetec alternator exact same one a vw sharran of same year uses ??? hope someone can help as got a friend that works for vw so could get cheaper if part is the same
  2. Well done you must be a very good driver I envy you. Last year my galaxy wouldn't play full stop no matter how careful I took it.what tires your galaxy got ? Inform insurance wow I would have thought they be happy motorists using winter tires for added safety .
  3. Hi sorry don't get much timeon Pc so not been on for ages. Well moved from London to the Cotswolds and you get real snow here gulp !!! .... Anyone here use snow tires? My galaxy is am auto if thatsles Amy odds. Normal tiresome my car didnt move last year. Shop tellse with snow tired I won't get stuck and cam drive in thick snow no problem. So any guys or gals fit them in winter and will the galaxy cut through it with ease ????? Also if it's a yes just front tires or all four and whatakes do you use ?? Or is it time to sell the galaxy and buy a country bumpkin and buy a 4x4 lol
  4. cheers for fast reply littledaz. just took car for trip around block and its just abs light on now the other ones gone out. checked other post on abs seems a mixed opinion as to weather its a good idea or not hmmmmm interesting. think i use it and just drive safely and hope for best till i can get it checked out. good job the snows cleared away here in chilly london just the morning ice to watch out for
  5. well dave i looked under passenger seat and cant see a hole. mind you its all carpeted up there. just a flap i lifted under seat theres a black electrically box there. heater seems better but still not brilliant. but i can now here the little jet sonding engine under car so thats now working. they put new glow plug and a thermostate on it. cheeky gits tried to charge me
  6. hiya folks here a question for you. drove home this morning in that rotten snow. when i was trying to park the gal in my carpark it was fun and games with wheels spinning as car went all over the place. finaly got it parked. trouble was the abs light came on and wont go out also the light next to it is on to ( the red circle with explanation mark. look in book and both lights are warning lights for brakes. my mate says its ok to drive hmmmmmmmm. i gotta go work in 30 mins and cant decide weather to risk it or go by train aaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. tried the brakes and they work even with warning lights still on. would you drive it.
  7. sorry chaps just caught the bit about the confusion of smoke. yes smoke was entering car via where the seat belt comes out of the side pillar on passengers side. so i take it there is a drain hole under the car in that area. well i hope its a drain hole and nothing more iffy. does this explain it better? heck i thought i had height problems. with seat fully back at at lowest setting its fine for me
  8. hiya Dave-g i checked with ford and yes it has 3 years warranty , you just after that free drink aint you hahahahaha. well it went in monday morning parts ordered ...... and hay bingo its not ready till tomorrow now grrrrrrr another night going to work in the cramped ford KA. but look on the bright side i been told that warranty does cover this fault so no charge ........ just gotta find a waterproof envelope to post drink off to dave :mellow:
  9. hiya all update on heater ...... galaxy now with ford i rang them today to be told it will be ready tomorrow evening. there putting in new thermostat and glow plug , that dont explain smoke from heater under passengers side seat belt under car. hhhhhmmmmmmmmm we will see. hay i got a courtasy car its a ford KA im 6ft 6 hahahahahahahahaha its fun to say the least, like being at a fair ground in a dodgem car.
  10. sooooooooo next question is ......... i got malt vinegar in cupboard hhhhmmmmmmmm or must it be the clear stuff :16:
  11. dave-g top marks that man i will be taking car to fords on thursday me day off and see what they got to say on the matter if this gets sorted i will post you up a large drink :16:
  12. no probs Dave-g i do have trouble explaining things so im just as bad :16: as to being on 05 plate i checked paperwork and as far as i can see it only has one year warranty in service book so thats finished ( you got me hopes up there hahahahaha ) well theres a few things there to get mecanic to check over, he does a fantastic job this is the first time he found somit he dont know about....thats one cuppa tea less for him hahaha as per norm great replies from all thankyou
  13. ford really went for the throat on this one...... 2 wiper blades please mr ford dealer ...... thats 40 notes and 10 pints of blood please sir :19: sooooooo mr gooner52 what the story of the vinegar .... step by step instructions please ..if heard tales about this. help give a south london lad clean windows <_<
  14. hiya didnt want to hijack davewill's thread but think i may have same kind of problem maybe? ok its an 05 galaxy tdi 26 thousand on clock. heater has never been brill when cold but heres the score ..... phew weeks back was driving when misses shouts pull over theres smoke in here. the smoke was comming up out of where the seat belt vanishes into the side piller. called a mecanic i know who's great and comes to house.he pointed out the little box under side of passenger and said it was heater booster thing bt admited he didnt know much about them. he disconected it problem solved .... kind of. i drive 12 miles to work thats all london town driving. engine takes about 5 miles or so to get to 90 degree running temp. but heat dont come outa vents till about 10 miles then its fine ...... 2 miles of wonderfull warmth hahahahaha. im a div on tec stuff and see you talk about aux heaters and boosters. car not climate control but has air con. had galaxy 8 months or so and never heard the jet engine blower under passenger side kick in. rather than get you guys n gals posting all over again does it sound like same problem as davewills and what parts should i get mecanic to check out? thanks for any advise you can give
  15. cheers MuM tis me pride and joy. hay thats pic and avatar done the world is now my oyster :lol:
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