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Everything posted by dixie

  1. Good luck if it works let us know, my old Gal has the exact same problem as well
  2. Thanks big_kev I'll ignore the aircon for now and check out the brakes fist chance. I have a remote key with the car which I tried programming in with the instructions found on the forum. The led on the door is supposed to flash 5 times if successful. The key flashes 5 times at the end of the process but the door led does not and it's not working. It does go into programming mode as the light comes on at the start. Hope you know what I mean, any ideas
  3. Any news or update on this one. I bought a Mark II Gal 1.9 TDI 2003 the other day and all was fine. Went out today and the pedal went hard with loss of brakes, scary indeed. This happenned a few times on the way home. I've 2 kids and the other half in the car most of the time. Got to get it fixed as cheap as possible spent all the money on the new car :P I was also sure the aircon was pretty cold when I tried it the day I bought it. But today it was not cold at all. Are these sepatate issues or could their be a common cause. How do I fix the aircon and should I check the hoses for vacumn leaks. Also does the car have remote central locking (if it does it don't work )
  4. I had a look for Galaxy ones but got cross eyed after a while, never thought to look for sharon ones
  5. Here's some more pictures in case it may help someone else solve a similar starting issue The starter which was okay plus the ingintion switch oh and a broken mirror in case you have one spare :unsure:
  6. You did you did ;) Here's a photo of the bit sorry about the quality hope you can make it out. It the plastic part that clips onto the back of the barrel and where the wires plug, plugs into. What else have you got that might be of interest
  7. Thank you! Sorted eventually we took the ignition switch apart and found there was a lot of fine plastic bits blocking the wheel that makes the contacts close at position 3. A bit of a clean and poke around and we managed to get it working. I need to replace the switch on the end of the ignition block next time I'm out, but meatime the car is running again. Thanks to the forum and all who contributed esp big_kev A final note the garage had cut and probed the 4 wires at the ignition switch and must have known there was no power coming from the switch to the red/blk wire at position 3. Either they are thick a s#'/# or they have tried to con me into paying a big bill
  8. Thanks great at last we have partial success, the starter motor tested okay so back into the car. Then we tried it as normal still dead. So unplugged the red/blk wire and put a direct feed from the pos terminal, as you suggested, with a wire into the spade end for the red/blk wire. Bingo the starter turned and we got the car running. This was already tried by the garage and the AA mechanic to no avail I think they did it differently. Ignition was switched to position 2 when the car started and it ran for a few minutes till I switched it off. Ok so that eliminates the immobiliser, the starter and just about everything else. We plugged it all back together and it was dead so its definately as you say "the switch is faulty or the wiring is broken between it and the relay" Is there a way I can test the switch and the wire, I'm not sure how to approach it or where to look.
  9. Can't seem to locate fuse 26 numbered fuses go up to 22 it must be elsewhere or hidden underneath somewhere. Here's some pictures the red and black loose wires on the head are test wires with a bulb in the middle Under dash pic 1 under dash pic2 under dash cover engine compartment relays Engine The Old Gal
  10. Because they could not and would not fix it, left it in the car park and would not accept responsibility. When I find out what the problem is they will be hearing from me again.
  11. I'm trying to figure out the wiring components of the starter and charging system. Does anyone know why the Hayes wiring diagram shows 2 batteries, listed as #1 Battery and #145 Battery 2. Where is Battery 2
  12. Just a bit more info I've tried the red wire again with the starter out (it's dead) and there is no whinning noise now however there is a faint hissing noise when I turn and hold the key. Maybe irrelevant. The relay that is clicking in the box is # 94 All other electrics seem to work except Central Locking which has not worked for well over a year I will check the switch as soon as I know how or have someone check it for me....
  13. The red/blk wire gets no power when turning to and holding ignition at starting position. The fuses were checked and okay under the dash and in the relay box. It's a manual and I hear the relay clicking in relay box right hand side of engine compartment when I turn the ignition to start. I also hear a faint whining sort of noise like a motor or something spinning for a few seconds. I'm not sure how to check the switch but I thinks it's okay if the relays clicking. The wiring diagram on the Hayes manual says the red/blk wire comes from the alternator (they changed the belt so were working in that area) don't kow if that has anything to do with it. I've got the starter motor out now and hopefully will get it bench tested tomorrow or Mon, but my gut feeling is it's okay. Thanks for your assistance I can supply pictures if necessary One last thing before I took it home they put the computer on it and it said no codes stored or saved or words to that effect.
  14. I ended up today getting the AA to come and tow the car back to my house. Meantime the AA mechanic tried a few tests and said it's possibly the immobiliser but he wasn't convinced. He checked the starter for power and said the main power is getting there but not to the wire whatever that meant. He directly earthed it as well but got same result. Starter won't turn. I spoke to someone at ford who said it wasn't the immobiliser because the red light in the door goes out. He said take the little wire off the starter( I guess he means the red wire at the end) and check for power with the ignition turned to the starter position, I earthed a wire to the battery earth and with a bulb in the middle put the other end to the red/black wire that I took off the end of the starter motor and turned the key but got no light. What does this mean I hear a click from the relays but the bulb doesn't light. I have a good battery and the headlights dim a little when turning to start suggesting power is going to the starter but it's not getting to the red wire. Can I try anything else What might this mean Help! Thanks
  15. Thanks, I mentioned the earth and they said that was okay and that they can turn it over with external power so I guess that eliminates it. They reckoned all immobilzers are different and that it is immmobilised. They are not taking responsibilty and said, although it's still in the garage, that I need an auto electrician and they haven't done anything but turn the key. (they did put on the new fan belt etc) Where do I stand it was running okay when it went in. Sounds to me like the wiring or switch you suggested, hopefully they'll find it although it sat all day without them going near it. Have also tried using the master key to start it but no joy.
  16. Galaxy Ghia X 2.3 Petrol R Reg Garage were troubleshooting a rattling noise in fan belt area which they fixed with a new fan belt, and freeing of auto tensioner. Now when they turn the key nothing happens on testing no power is going to the starter motor. When I hold the key open the windows open so there is power somewhere ? They seem to think it's the immobiliser and said that they could not get into the ecu with the machine ? I seem to remember a red reset button somewhere but can't recall. Central locking has never worked since I got the car (water in the footwell) I've had no water problems for over a year. Any ideas
  17. Hey folks just a heads up for some, might save a bit of dismantling work clearing the scuttle drains.. My 8yr old son says use a hoover to suck out the debris from under and behind the pollen filter to keep the area clean. A narrow tube hoover extension can be purchased and manouvered under and behind the filter. Is he clever or what, I just done mine and it sucked out a few leaves and an acorn shell :angry2:
  18. Checked the sunroof and it seems dry enough on the passenger side drivers side a bit damp at the corner. Will try the curtain wire and see if that clears it. Yes I have just been a 700 mile round trip to Blackpool and I filled the washer before leaving. Have checked the posting and it fits the bill my carpet is the wettest exactly at the point where the joint might be.
  19. As per title we had some really heavy rain for about 3 days a few weeks ago and I have had no problems with water on the floors. However after putting through a car wash 2 weeks or so after the rains my passenger floor is wet and there are small signs of water in the C/L area under the passenger seat. I've read some of the posts about water before and wondered why the car wash would cause the damp when the heavy rain didn't. And, if anyone can advise where should I check first.
  20. Reading this post solved my cigar lighter issues. Front cigar not working and both rear luggage power sockets not working. A group of four fuses hidden at the top left of fuse box 20a yellow fuse extreme right of these blown. Changed to new one all 3 sockets work now, maybe that was the elusive fuse 30. Keep up the good posts.
  21. I had the same problem until I discovered the following fuse diagrams. Sorry of the size of the scans but they should help you out :) Can you repost the diagrams (pls) they don't seem to enlarge and are unreadable as thumbnails and pic2 is missing.
  22. Does anyone know which relays and fuses are for the central locking. Also I forgot to mention that my 3 lighter/power sockets are not working one at front and 2 in back near the tailgate. What fuses / relays for these.
  23. Don't have these on the B pillar and I don't think there is a switch at the bonnet hinge. There are a few wires at the hinge going into the bonnet through a rubber thingy. Maybe thats for the washers. So it looks like I have no Alarm fitted. I can concentrate on the Central Locking now. I replaced the key batts and tried resetting usikng the procedures found in the forum but no joy. Next step I think is to try and track back the wires from the locks to the passenger seat.
  24. I'll search the board about the alarm I seem to re-call someone mention how to identify it. I have a Ghia which suggest the alarm might be there. There's nothing obvious on the outside of the B pillars. Yes please diagrams would help me a lot thanks can you post them here or do you need email dixieAT(change AT to @)f-deans.freeserve.co.uk
  25. #Vanbursta I checked the box under the passenger seat and there are two sets of wires coming from it the plug in the left looking from the rear and the middle plug. The right hand plug is present with nothing in it. Does that mean there is no alarm fitted? I'm in Inverness Scotland and don't know anyone else with a Gal, maybe someone on this board is up here :-) #Twinkle I've got the Haynes manual but the central junction box diagram where the relays are is nothing like mine hence the problems identifying fuses, relays and wires etc
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