Hello. I have a 1999 2.3 GhiaX. About three years ago I was on holiday when it kept cutting out then wouldn't start for a short while. It would then start. I think this was when it cooled down a bit. I eventually got home and with advice from this forum changed a relay, (can't remember the number but suspect it may be No.30).I don't recall any fault lights. Anyway to today. The car is on my drive and hasn't been driven since yesterday. It did 'judder' the other day which reminded me of what happened prior to the above issue. It now won't start at all. All ignition lights are on etc and it turns over, but no sign of firing, which is similar to before. Only this time I have a door LED fault of 1:6. There is also an intermittent 'beeping' sound from the dashboard after I try to start it. I have tried disconnecting the battery, ( seemed like a good idea!) but that didn't work. Could this be Relay 30, again? (which I will try as it is the cheap option), or something more sinister? Oddly I have just come back from holiday and both times I was driving for several hours at a time, so I wonder if something is wearing/burning out with prolonged use? Any help would be appreciated.