<BR>Didn't go outside today as have cold hopefully better tomorrow.will take piccy's then.<BR><BR>In answer to 2nd question Dash out 45 mins,There are 2 very awkward screws hold plastic brackets on back of dash ,access then under wipers above metal leading to scuttle tray.On dash's at scrappys have not bothered to undo just a hearty yank from facier.<BR>oh remember to unplug speaker's and heat sensor I always forget one lol.<BR><BR>heater element. <BR>There's a tubular double barrow piece of plastic that goes from heater matrix through to the engine bay which is held on by torx screws.Make sure you have a spare one if possible it saves alot of time if you cut it. Also the engine bay to heater pipes are prone to rotting so recommend have spares also you wiil need to have vagcom if you have a passenger airbag.<BR><BR><BR>Hope you cold is better - any chace of those pictires !! <BR>