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About junglejim

  • Birthday 12/18/1966

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    Galaxy 1.9tdi Y-2001

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  1. I have a 2001 Galaxy with the same engine. I used Biodiesel for months without any problem. the car ran fine and returned reasonable mpg. I stopped using it about 2 years ago when I come to use the car on a cold January morning. It ran well for about 1 mile then wouldn't pull. It was the first day of a new job and I had a 15mile journey on the M1/M18. It was an absolute pig! It wouldn't go above 60 mph and that was a struggle. I managed to get to work but it was worse on the way home. It broke down 3 times and I finally had to have it towed. It took me ages to diagnose the fault but I finally found that the filter in the tank was blocked with a jelly like substance. I eventually found out the the biodiesel supplier had a bad batch of used oil that contained palm oil. It turns out the palm oil starts to solidify at about 15deg and I'd got a tank full of lard! Fortunately, it cost me nothing to repair and the suppliers cleaned my tank and gave me the money I had spent on the diesel. I think I posted my problems at the time it happened All the info I found suggested that it could run on biodiesel as they do it Germany(apparently). The question is, do you want to run the risk of a bad batch - it certainly put me off!
  2. Cheers - I thought that would be the case - just being tight :lol: I've taken the wheel off this afternoon and the pads have plenty of meat on them - although, I only replaced them about 5000 miles ago.
  3. Hi The rear O/S bake caliper has started to leak from the handbrake lever. I've looked at TIS and it doesn't give a breakdown of caliper parts - in fact, it doesn't help at all :lol: I've spoken to a couple of mechanic friends and they have never come across this problem, especially since the handbrake hasn't seized. Has anyone come across this problem and if so, does anyone know if this can be fixed with a seal kit? Thanks Jim
  4. I've got one not working on my 2001 tdi. That is bone dry as well. If you switch them on and listen to them individually and close up - you can hear them ticking. If there is no tick then it isn't working. I've since confirmed it when I got Vagcom and plugged it in. Unfortunately, Ford will have about
  5. :wacko: I think I've just about solved the problem. Its been a real pain and I've considered trying to get someone to nick it - trouble is, they wouldn't get beyond the end of the road!!!! It's been made worse because there have been times when I couldn't work on it for days on end. I found out - with the aid of some clear pipe - that the diesel appeared to be sucking air. I tried the pipe in various places until it looked like the problem was between the tank and the filter. I did consider getting some long clear pipe and bypassing the main fuel line fortunately, I couldn't get any long enough. So I took up the carpet and plate and took out the sender/pump. The pump sits in a plastic container and looked to be full of nastyness so I took it to bits. There is a filter in the bottom and it was well and truly blocked!! Anyway, I cleaned it with carb cleaner and put it all back together and tested it. I've managed to drive for a couple of miles and it pulled better than it had for months! It has stalled a couple of times and I had to spin it over for a while to get it to start - but at least it now goes beyond the end of the road!!! I'm going to take for a good run tomorrow and see what happens - watch this space!
  6. Well, I tried another crank sensor - without success but, I think I have taken a step forward towards sorting this fault. I put a piece of clear pipe between the fuel filter and pump and there were quite a few air bubbles in the pipe. I then took the pipe from the filter put in a can of diesel - so the pump took the fuel direct from the can. There were no bubbles in the pipe. I haven't fully tested this yet but I suspect that fuel starvation is the cause. Has anyone else encountered this?
  7. One of the pipes on the left side of the engine bay (looking from the front). It has been rubbing where it bends round the front of the inner wing/front panel. The rest of the aircon is(was) ok. I remember seeing a thread where someone cut the pipe and put in some rubber. I think I'll be doing that.
  8. I'm having problems. Not enough money, sub teenage kids who think they are right almost all of the time, nobody to love in my life ........ ;) snap ;) I think I can beat that ---4 daughters, 1 teenage, 2 subteenage, 1 4yr old who never, ever stop arguing. House full of PMT + hormones, dead galaxy and driving a 1.0L Saxo. I'm Close to edge :D
  9. Does anyone know where the crank sensor is on the 2001 1.9tdi? I've had a look at TIS but it isn't too clear - it makes it look like it is easy to see. Unless I'm going blind (although I am due for some new glasses :D ) I can't see it anywhere. I think I've aged about 10years since this fault started!!!
  10. once you have set Vagcom up, click the button that says select control module. On the 2nd screen (it should be the common tab at the top) select 01 engine. The next screen then takes you in to the control module. You need the ignition on for it to work and it will show the details of the module. On the bottom left half of the screen there is a button that says fault codes. When you click in there it gives the option to clear or save the faults. Follow this link - there is an interactive demo on the Ross Tech site - its quite good and tells you what to touch and what not to. I haven't been brave enough to touch some of the functions - yet :unsure: http://www.ross-tech.com/vag-com/tour/main_screen.html
  11. Hi. You can clear them wih 409 software but I'm not so sure about the battery. I've had mine off several times over the last couple of weeks and I don't think they cleared - not 100% though because I've been trying to get it working!
  12. Thanks gaznlou You're the 2nd person to mention that - I've been poking round the vwaudi forum - he said to watch the measuring blocks in vagcom, so I asked him which ones. This is his response - 'Any that shows engine revs, what you have to do is watch the revs with the engine not responding but in gear to keep it turning, its awkward to do and you really need an assistant to watch the screen. It may just be easier to take a chance on changing the sender.' I've tried watching the measuring blocks when it stalled - its flippin difficult, especially when you're turning a corner! The other thing is there are no error codes - but I'm clutching at straws now. So, has anyone got any idea as to how much they are and are they available from gsf or the likes. It might be cold and dark but I think I'll go and check the wires now - just in case!
  13. My Galaxy has 16" wheels and only has the 288 discs on - I replaced them about 4months ago. Its the 1.9t tdi 115 so probably not the fastest although, being diesel, it weighs a lot - I know, I had to push it a lot over the last couple off weeks :unsure: . When it does go, the brakes are quite good.
  14. Back to square one :unsure: I took it for a drive and got about a mile before it cut out! I waited about 5/10 mins before I tried to start it - it did start, but I had to crank it for a while and pump the accelerator several times. I got it back home but it was misfiring up hill in 3rd and then it cut out - just as I pulled on tp the drive. I've tried it shorter distances since and the same thing happens. There are no fault codes on vagcom. I've got a log of the measuring blocks and now I have to work them out. Anyone got know what to compare them to?
  15. I've just been out and replaced the battery - the old one had completely died! It started straight away so I put it back on the drive. I decided to check the fuel so I took off the inlet pipe to the filter and connect another pipe to a can of diesel. The car started ok and ended up with diesel all over the drive from the inlet pipe - which suggested that there probably wasn't a blockage back to the tank :D I put it back together - with a new clip on the pipe and started it (with spare key) with vagcon connected. I ran it up to full temp and decided to test it....... It drove to the end of the road and back 3 times (where are the party emoticons?) Anyway, I then drove it on to the main road twice and it hasn't stopped!! I'm not counting my chickens and I'm very nervous of driving very far - but this has to be a step in the right direction - hopefully :D . There was one problem - when I turned it off, I thought I'd restart it and it didn't want to start until I put my foot flat on the floor. I'm not to bothered so long as I can drive it :D I'm going to try it again and go a bit further. If it works I'll try and find out what the problem was - maybe :unsure:
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