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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    ford galaxy 2.8 ghia

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  1. yes will try booster pack
  2. no dash lights dimed a little and did go out once put jump leads on no differance
  3. galaxy 2.8 ghia auto started ok yesterday then today won't start the starter motor justs clicks tried moving gear stick form N to D and still won't start any ideas please.
  4. cheers that is a great help and now i know what to do thanks :rolleyes:
  5. hi can anybody help i'm trying to locate the brake fluid reservoir on my 1996 2.8 ghia auto.the manual says its in the engine compartment on the drivers side of the car.i've looked and can't find it.all answers greatfully accepted.
  6. i've wound the switch out so the switch has a gap when fully pressed
  7. hi can any one help my brake lights on my 2.8 ghia auto only come on when peddle is fully pressed down. i've adjusted the switch on the peddle but no change.on the top of the peddle is a flexi pipe can anyone tell what its for thanks.Darren
  8. whilst driving along today i noticed a very fine mist comming from one of the windscreen vents does anybody know what might be causung this as i think this is what is fogging up my windscreen.any help most apprecited and all your responses are very grateful thank you all cheers darren lane.
  9. can anybody help me find a website that sells galaxy spares.a breakers web site or a salavge yard. cheers darren
  10. how hard to fit 6*9 in my tailgate door can some one help cheers darren
  11. can anybody help after some heavy rain today my electric windows will not go up and my central locking wont work. tried to lock car and they wont work as if the door is no shut properly.also is there meant to be a cover over the pollen filter.any help most grateful cheers darren
  12. how hard is it to change the pollen filter and how much do they cost
  13. what should the settings be also i have a crack along bottom edge could this be a cause
  14. Hi, can anybody help i have a 1996 V6 ghia and the windscreen keeps fogging up. If i put the blowers on cold the screen clears anybody got any suggestions.
  15. hi can anybody tell what battery should be in the remote key fob on a 1996 galaxy 2.8 ghia local auto shop does not know. cheers darren
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