Hi, I'm new to this forum but it reads like my service history.We brought out Galaxy form a dealer that was in receivership, got a bargain and a load of trouble. Had new window mechanisms,air con pump and condenser,air bag recalls,coolant leaks, 3!!!! rollbar links, auto box oil leaks,new spare wheel carrier.......I'm sure I could start my own forum. It's done 34k and we love it... I'm out of warrantee now and I can see this forum being very useful. Thanks. I'm currently having problems with this water pump, I noticed it getting louder but if I put light pressure on the connector the note would change and the revs pick-up. when it finally stopped it took a fuse too, the same one that powers the air-con!!! I changed the fuse and it managed a few rpm, at the connector end you can see the oilite bearing and the end of the armature. I have put a small drop of WD 40 on the end of the armature and so far so good, its not as smooth as it was but its running fairly fast and not blown any more fuses. It would be better to strip the motor and clean it as too much oil will have the reverse effect..resist the urge to spray loads of WD on it. Sods law, it will last until we have 2 foot of snow! :) Hope this helps someone. Thanks