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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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About Smilge

  • Birthday 01/01/1911

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  1. It's actually the three strips in the nearside rear window. Have a look at the connector which is behind a grey plastic bit in the middle where the roof meets the window on the inside of the car. One of my delightful children knocked the plastic bit off which tore the wire out of the connectng crimp!
  2. Darky, did you release the fluid through the bleed nipple when winding the pistons back or back through to the resevoir. It's important that you do it through the bleed nipple on each caliper or you may end up with "crud" in the ABS selector unit causing problems. Sorry I didn't mention this yesterday but was in a hurry and pleased that you found it easy. Did you have any problems with the caliper bolts?
  3. I'll ask me mate ...... he's just fixed his.....
  4. Nope and you'll need a piston wind back tool.
  5. Like the Mk 2 the aerial is located as part of the two elements in the nearside rear window(offside on Mk2) Was this ever resolved?
  6. I meant MS508
  7. I use an Autel Maxiscan MS103. Does what I need ........
  8. I don't know Dave. I know they are controlled by the CAN Bus so whether or not it'll need the address I would suspect that IDS will be required to do it. Mine has the advanced bluetooth so it's interfaced with that as well. I can't see there being vast differences between them so give it a go if the plugs fit?? (depends on how much you paid for it)
  9. Dave, yours sounds like it hasn't had the firmware upgrade. This was a big problem with the 1.8s and you should be able to pull away without touching the throttle as the revs are built up automatically when you start to release the clutch; you then touch the throttle when when you are about to change up. Very useful in motorway jams but pretty pointless any other time. I very rarely stall mine.
  10. Unfortunately this is a common problem with the Mk 3 and is called "bar code screen". The only way to fix it is to have the screen replaced, as I did when I first bought it. If you have heated areas then its not connections.
  11. Hiya P ..... me thinks you need to get this checked out as it isn't going to get any better. I had one incident of the burning clutch issue trying to get the caravan up a kerb and onto the drive. Since then I have had no problems and eventually the smell went away on its own. Start shopping around matey.
  12. Hi there Gregers ...... lucky they were polish .... you should have asked them there and then to "polish" the scratch out! ...lol
  13. I get 36.7 towing a caravan! I won't tell you what I get without it lol!
  14. Hi Christian. I think you'll find there aren't that many Mk 3 owners on here and probably haven't had that many issues with them. I've got a 57 1.8 TDCi Ghia with panoramic roof, leather interior and DVD Entertainment pack. I love the car and the only problem I've had up to now is with the parking sensors which I sorted by a liberal spraying of WD40 on the wiring to each sensor and coating with vaseline. The MOT is due at the end of October so we'll see how good the Mk 3's are. I had a Mk 2 Ghia a while back which was a totally different beast followed by an ST TDCi Mondeo which was awesome! The problem with the Mondy and hence switching back to the Galaxy, was having to fit 3 kids in the back and the chances of me losing my license everytime I drove it lol. Anyway, ask away mate and we'll see if we can come up with any solutions to your problems. Chris
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