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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Ford Galaxy 2.3

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  1. Mirez, Can you tell me where to find the flap - the fault does (logically) seem to be a mechanical failure as it just suddenly stopped working?? Many Thanks Peter
  2. Just to add some more detail: Both the fans start/stop as expected when I start/stop the aircon. I can also hear the compressor clutch engage/disengage at the same time.
  3. Hi, I wonder if anyone can help me. I have a 1999 2.3 petrol Galaxy with climate control. It's been getting less and less cold over the past few years. No problem, I thought, just the refrigerant leaking. Must get it topped up some time. Then we went on holiday and left it at Gatwick for a fortnight. Now I'm back it blows warm air (only) which is a pain when its 25 centigrade outside. I normally leave it set at 20c. When you up the temperature, it gets warmer, but as you come back it doesn't ever get cold, just less hot. So I took it to KwikFit for a regas, which they did but it made no difference (So it didn't cost me anything but I'm no better off. . . .). Has anyone got any suggestions - is there anything I can do or just take it to an A/C specialist. I do know one end of a spanner from another, if that helps. . . . Thanks in advance, Peter
  4. My 1999 Galaxy has just started doing this. The engine runs with a lot of judder, a bit like a misfire. Any suggestions?? Thanks Peter
  5. 1999, old shape, I think that's a Mk1. But I'm not an expert (yet. . .) Peter
  6. Is that the infamous relay 30 ???? Peter
  7. My 1999 Galaxy 2.3 (manual) has recently cut out completely twice. The first time, it cut out completely, and wouldn't restart. I had it taken to a garage who looked at the diagnostic and it said there was nothing wrong. They then restarted it fine (and I felt stupid). So, I took it away and drove it a while and it then did it again - driving along and the engine just cut out. Stopped roadside, won't restart. Called the garage, they set out to meet me, try again, goes fine. Drove to garage, again, no faults found on diagnostics. Can anyone help with what might be wrong ?? Ta, Peter
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