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    galaxy 2.8 v6 4x4 ghia x

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  1. It could be many things. From loss whell nuts to to naked drive shaft spines It need jacking up front off ground and try to move each component Would need a lot more info to give a chance of diagnosing Does it clunk on reversing. Over humps Ect could be just bad track rod ends How many miles on clock
  2. update to this topic as jan 2014 I can say that turbo lag is a lot less now - I get my car serviced in december and each year there has been new calibrations available (not software updates ........ ) the latest one with the temperature gauge showing on the main screen all the time is very much better in many areas from radio behaviour to much less lag and gear box software that does a much better job
  3. hi all there has been a lot of software updates to the galaxy 2010 models last update was about 6 months ago and has nearly fix the dreaded turbo lag I know about the updates as my galaxy has been updated at each service - this is by original sales agreement because car had some many software faults 1. power steering over hyped at above 50 mph - glancing at radio you pull car across lanes 2. turbo lag - improved each service update 3. power shift gear box lag cause by turbo lag - as you demand power and turbo lag occurred and you keept on demanding power gear box would drop 2 gears - as box is only next ratio preselected this cause lag 4. traction control not able to cope with full power cause by 2 and 3 means that you end up just spinning you wheels on a roundabout whith cars trying to not to hit you 5 sony radio bugs ..... crashing out converse+ display and losing mp3 tracks 6 curse control dropping out when changing speed with buttons 7 auto wipers not seeing rain on screen 8 auto headlights not coming on or not going off 9 indicator that goes quieter at higher speed - should be the over way around the latest updates nearly fixes all the above points - note you can quickly tell if a galaxy with converse+ has been updated - it will have the engine temperature on main screen still love my galaxy and would be happy with new one .... thing to look out for don't have the run flats fitted - they are horrible by all accounts don't go for super low profile tires if you want to make galaxy handle better use 45 psi in back tires and 42 in front The 163 and 138 engine are the same engine with different calibrations ( change one code in the PCM gives the extra power) - I would go for the proper tuning chips that give out 183bhp for
  4. its very unlikely to be a control button problem I seen this happy on my own galaxy and my brother in laws mondeo the Mondeo had two sets of new controls fitted the fix is to get to get ford to update all modules in car to latest version for that version if the car - it only the very latest software that fixes the cruise control dropout problems when setting the set speed these bugs are in both types of cruise control - normal and the advanced radar type
  5. I suspect computer my show error if canbus says there are HID lights fitted due missing self levelers required for HID I have the factory fit HIDs - they are nice but you can be blinded by sign boards if they are clean even on dip also factory HIDs fit a secondary flasher as high beam is to slow to light up durring day never had anyone win argument with lights on my car as hid full beam + day light flasher is not good combination - you have to really think before flashing some one at night I wished they would give option to run HID at lower dip level is so esay to blide others - and if they cant see there may hit you !! if going to fit HIDs please think about geting the correct reflectors. I think you may run into problems with projector lamps as hid is a smaller light source and heat profile may damage centre of lens
  6. I belive there is a potection sceem that if if thinks spare key is in car it locks it out of being able to unlock untill used when car is inlocked if could be detecting spare key in pocket when you lock car
  7. had lots of arguments about this net with ford about then getting hold of one instead of a apple stopper ... basically it comes with two templates and you have to cut the head linner at correct points and insert the suppied plastic fittings - bit of a swine to get correct to be honest you might be better off with dog guard . the net has a low inpact rating but I think 15kG but I suspect that is for 120mph into solid wall !
  8. There is a long delay when coming up to junctions and demanding power I used to think this was a powershift problems But know I know understand problem better and believe it turbo delay What I believe is engine is shutting down on overrun and the turbo stops spinning it then takes 2 seconds to spin turbo up when power required Normally there is not a problem at idle speed as the turbo remains spinning as there are some exhaust gasses to spin it After some time you get used to it and don't notice most of the time. The trick seams to be to be light on accelerator until engine start pulling then give it power if you don't wait for engine to come on power then gearbox tends to down shift by 2 gears and causes more delay followed by uncontrolled wheel spin You may just have a lazy turbo that is not managing to spin up on idle. - most fords granges would not pick this up even with the computer connected. I had a ford mechanic sitting in my passenger seat for a few hours with computer connected In the end we concluded that it was a engine design feature and he put in a official problem report - of cause ford never followed up on that one
  9. rear seat can be unbolted to remove completely - best to put bolts back in holes so bottom of car remains sealed. I have a sliding tray in back of my 2011 galaxy taken from a smax - fits very well plus room under tray lots of junk ....
  10. my 2011 galaxy EPB has always left dash light on for 5 minutes after power off This is because EPB is re applied after 5 minutes to allow for break disc cool down once EPB is re applied light goes out I think this is stated in the manual
  11. on mk3 I believe there is only optional cooling or fresh air at back row at face level - unless you have the fuel heater version that I don't think has been a UK option - even then I don't think you get hot air at face level in rear for middle row face heating select front row face level heating for middle and rear row feet heating select front row feet level heating When I have middle and rear seat needing heat I select foot and face heating and manual fan speed control on about one down from high speed best to use mono mode of temperature selection when more then two in car to get temperature up in rear use full fan speed and max temperature and foot heating - this will hopefully engage the aux electrical heater if temperature outside is below 5c mk1 had rear heating mk2 think was the same but not sure about that hope that helps a bit
  12. The monitoring system is 4 wheel only each wheel has its own Arial in the wheel arch so you wound need a separate system to monitor the caravan
  13. I try to get my 2010 galaxy software update done at first service two weeks ago Update was blocked by ford due to there being a problem that "freezes some cars after update" dealer promised .... to try and do the update after problems had been fixed he was expecting fix in a few months time
  14. if you have the converse+ display fitted to car then there is a known software bug that stops the panel shutting down correctly resulting in power drain The only way to fix this is a software update note for measuring drain current it has to be done 20 minutes after last access to car systems hope that helps a little bit
  15. have you checked the inter cooler for loss or disconnected pipes ?
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