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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Ford Galaxy 2.0 Ghia x 1996

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  1. alcohol free or FREE alcohol? :35:
  2. as long as it wasnt halfords own brand, the're not that good !! i'd be inclined to give em a clean n grease make sure there is no rust on the carrier resticting the pads movement and check for glazing.
  3. "glazed" is where the brake pad surface gets to hot (ie from heavy braking, pads sticking in carrier, even incorrectly bedded in!!) and causes the resin in the pad material to go hard leaving a shiny brittle surface which can cause poor brake performance and squeaks! Im sure you did get the correct pads for a galaxy, but what make of pads did you purchase from halfords? It doesnt pay to buy cheap brake parts!!
  4. Hi http://www.caraudioplus.co.uk/Audio_Adapte...hanger_Adapters
  5. Had same problem!! Turned out to be the door switch.
  6. mk1 has the rounder lights! I dont think we'll evr be experts !! something new will always pop up to test us :) check the owners manual, relay 12, fuel pump !! That could be the kiddie causing you trouble !!
  7. I think you should have 215/60R15 reinforced !! 60% of 205 would be smaller than 60% of 215 so that could be causing you the problem
  8. I had a very similar problem with my 1996 2.0 and turned out to be the fuel pump relay! They cost about
  9. There is one in the haynes manual !! which relays do you need to get at? engine compartment n/s?
  10. We don't do miracles..... :16: I dont care as long as you're friendly!! that is all that matters!! -_-
  11. The air con has never worked properly since buying the car over three years ago! compressor siezed about ten months or so after purchase (out of warrenty as usual!!) changed compressor and reciever drier, recharged and worked for a little while when it felt like it. Then at service 18 months ago notified of leak from pipes, pipes changed and another recharge, still only working when it feels like it!! damn thing !! It has worked more often than not this summer but still isnt right, got suspicions about clutch soleniod or pressure switch!! will hopefully sort it out with a little help from you friendly people !!
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